Chapter 66: Comicon

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"Hey Dean c'mon!" I said tugging on Dean's arm. He was staring at a couple dressed as Destiel who were making out in a corner. "Dude what are you doing?"

"What am I doing?" Dean asked. "What are they doing?" We were at a comicon. Sam had followed through on taking us to a comicon to make up for almost getting her killed. Charlie had invited Cas because . . . She hadn't explained. I think she wanted to hurt his innocence.

"Dean when two people like each other they do this thing called kissing," I said. "Now let's move. I want to go get Karen Gillian's autograph!"

"Who?" Dean asked.

"She plays Amy Pond in Doctor Who, I need her autograph! You can stare longingly at couples cosplaying Destiel later!"

"Stop calling it that!"

"It's a ship because we want you to admit your feelings and be happy!"

"There are no feelings to admit!"

"Why must you lie about your sexuality?" I asked.

"I'm not lying about my sexuality!" He said.

"In the Benders you went into the men's restroom while Sam got kidnapped in the parking lot by a bunch of psychos," I said. "You came out of the restroom and into the parking lot and started asking people if they had seen Sam come out in the past hour. What were you doing in the men's room for an hour, Dean?"

"Were you really in the bathroom for an hour?" Sam asked.

"No!" said Dean.

I summoned my best Dean voice, (which is almost too terrible to mention) and said "'I could've sworn part of what makes Dr. Sexy, sexy is that he wears cow boy boots. Not tennis shoes!'"

"What are you talking about?" asked Cas.

"How deeply in love-" Marcey started but Dean cut her off with a "Nothing Cas just ignore it!"

:::Time skip brought to you by Dumbledore:::

"What's that?" Cas asked me staring at an art stand.

"That man is selling fan art," I explained. "He painted some pictures of characters from TV shows. Well and us and some people we know but he thinks we're fictional Too."

"I meant that picture," he said.

"Which one?" I asked.

"That one," Cas said pointing at a picture of himself and Dean making out.

"Oh um," I looked to make sure Dean wasn't within hearing distance. "Certain fans think you and Dean are in love with each other and would make a cute couple so they make pictures and fan fictions and memes."

"What is a meme?" Cas asked.

"I don't want to ruin your brain. Do you know where the others went?" I asked Cas.

"They went that way and they are way ahead of us we should probably look for them," he said worriedly.

"Okay let's find them," I said.

"Why do the people who watch the 'show' think that Dean and I should . . . Have relations with each other?" Cas asked.

"Well you two stare at each other more than is considered normal. You invade his personal space. You saved him from hell. You rebelled for him. Dean flirts with you. He's constantly checking you out. He's not a very trusting person. But when you were working with Crowley and hiding things from Dean and Sam, Dean believed you even when Bobby and Sam didn't. The last time that happened was with Sam when he was screwing Ruby."

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