Chapter 62: Taylor Swift and Screechy chick from hell

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Yoski broski! It's Romanos_girl!! Hope you like the chapter! Lol the chapter name is a fallout boy song title XDD ~ Sophy~

Marcey's p.o.v.

It was pretty calm not having Aj around. well as calm as it could be with Alfie around.

" OH MY GOD YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE THE DAY I HAD!" I ripped out my headphones and looked around there was no one there. " what the fuck?"

" Like seriously hun! I felt so angry at him like I wanted to stab him!" That voice was so fucking annoying. and high pitched and screechie! " Oh my god! I'm so bored!" the voice wouldn't stop!!

" oH mY gOd!! mAkE iT sToP!!" Dean ran into the kitchen where I was." what's wrong?!" " The voice the fucking annoying voice!!" " BABE!! IM BORED LETS GO TO THE PARTY! Miiiiiikkkkkkeeeeeyyyy!!"

I want to stab my self in the friggen eye." oh my god please someone kill me!" There was a flapping sound and Aj and Cas were in the kitchen with us. " Marcey what is that!" Aj yelled at me. Cas glared at me like it was my fault. " I don't know!! You go look for the others I'll fix this."

She left and Cas glared at me than at Dean" fix it now! I'm sure heaven will hear it and try to kill the source before long because it's annoying but because of the danger to the other Angels!" I nodded and he left. I looked at Dean" drive me!"

"You can fly hell no!" " I can't fly when I'm tracking a weak signal! It's weak but loud and I need to track it please!" He sighed but nodded" fine lets go."

~ time skip to the open road~

I sighed as the voice kept becoming louder or softer. Than Dean turned on the radio. it actually helped honed the signal. I was listening to the horrible sound of the girl speaking. I'm pretty sure it isn't human.

Than all of a sudden Taylor Swift's shake it off started playing. I reached to turn it up when I bumped Dean's hand. we both pulled out hands away as if we had touched a hot stove. he glanced at me" I was just going to turn it off!"

I nodded" yes totally! Same dude I mean pshhh who likes Taylor Swift!!!" We looked at each other and Dean turned up the song. " Marcey" " We must never speak of this to anyone ever Dean." He nodded " agreed"

~ time skip by the Shake it off Parody!~

We pulled up to a nice house. I sighed as Dean straightened the tie he had on." Okay so this kid Michael. He is a all star football basketball player. Your all around popular kid. so he'll have no problem taking to the fbi-"

" say your from a collage football program." " What?" " If you tell his mom your from a collage football program she'll let you in. They have money but not enough to get him through collage so a scholarship would be a blessing to her. Your from a collage I don't care which but not Harvard they don't have sports I don't think." he nodded" and you?"

" I'll be invisible. I'll flash in the house and knock the kid out and flash him back to the car. Okay! go team work!" He nodded and got out of the car.

I flashed into the house and looked around going invisible helped a lot. I walked to what looked liked the kids room. I opened the door to see a boy trapped by the annoying ass voice being boom across angel radio.

He looked up and looked straight at me. his girlfriend noticed and turned around." Mikey what's wrong? what are you looking at." he stood and walked towards me. he put out a hand and poked my face.

I punched him in the face. he stumbled backwards and looked freaked out. " fuck." This wasn't going well. the girl screamed when she heard me speak. all of a sudden Dean and Mikey's mom were in the hallway.

I turned visible and sighed." listen-" " oh my god!" The mom freaked and grabbed a vase and threw the liquids in it at me. I sighed and than she got out a lighter. I freaked" Dean it's holy fire!!" Dean took the lighter" sorry but I'll be taking this." he threw it behind him and the woman looked freaked.

" Mikey run their here! Go!" I turned and saw the fear in Mikey's eyes." hold up! We're friends of Gabriel's!!" The woman calmed down and said" Gabriel the-" " the Angel! He's my uncle! We're here to keep your son safe! Whenever the girl talks he zones out and her annoying ass voice is broadcasted across angel radio!" She looked at her son and he shrugged.

I sighed and than looked at him and the girl." demon." Mikey turned around and looked at her" what she's not a demon?!" " Mikey get out of the house now!" I looked at Dean and he nodded I grabbed Mikey's arm and flashed into the car.

" But my mom!!" I sighed" it's better if we sit this out Dean will handle this!" As I said it the house caught fire and Dean ran out carrying Mikey's mom. he ran towards the car and opened it and put her in the back. he turned on the car and Taylor swift came blaring out of the speakers.

He sped off in reverse and didn't even show any care about the music. Mikey was in the front freaking out about his mom. I placed a hand on her fore head and started to heal her. her eyes shot open and sat up.

"Mikey!" " Mom!" I sighed and placed a have on her forehead she fell asleep and fell backwards. " mom!" " It's better if she forgets you Mikey. she'll only get hurt, there are many powerful people looking for you and all of them but us mean you harm!"

He looked at me and sighed" alright." We dropped her off at a hospital. we drove back towards the bunker." so Taylor Swift. " " so Screechy evil bitchie girl." He nodded" touché."

[ [ Authors Note ] ]

Hey guys it's Romanos_girl so just saying I hope u like the chapter and I'm not sure if I was supposed to publish this or not but who cares! Haha! Idk

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