Chapter 22: Noises similar to that of pterodactyls

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After we finished talking Desn and Sam told us where we could sleep. So boys in one room girls in the other. Me and Marcey were in our room, and well...

"OH MY GODS WE ARE IN THE FUCKING BUNKER!!!" Yeah basically all out fangirling.

"AND CAS!!!! AND DEAN!!!!AND SAMMY!!!!" Well the words didn't exactly form coherent sentences but we understood. Besides, did they really need to?

The next few minutes consisted of us generally fangirling and screaming and making noises similar to that of pterodactyls. Don't judge. You know you would do the same.

We heard a knock on the door. We stopped what we were doing.


"What are you doing?" Were the words that came out of the creature's face hole.

"We are fangirling."

"YESH! Leave us Ethan."

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