Chapter 6: Rise and Shine

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I woke up in the car in a parking lot Alfie had pointed out after I decided we had lost the police. My neck hurt from sleeping weird. We needed to stop sleeping in the car. Someone might see us.

I'd had another dream. A demon had killed some people. It was just some random demon not the one that killed our families.

Are these prophecies or just nightmares? I asked myself.

I tried to push these thoughts away. It wouldn't help anyone to picture the victims faces over and over in my head... but I couldn't help it.

Think about something else.

I started the car. We needed to keep moving. My brother had just punched a police officer last night. I laughed at the memory.

We drove past a stand selling fireworks.

It's New Years Eve! I remembered. The last day of 2014.

And the beginning of our first year as hunters.

And our first year without our parents.

I pushed away the last thought. Need to drive. Need to focus. We really needed to find a motel or something tonight. We couldn't be driving on New Year's Eve that's when the crazy people go out and have parties and get drunk. We should probably just find a motel right now. But we didn't have any money.

"Guys time to wake up. It's practically noon." I said.

"Hey! RISE AND SHINE!" I hollered at the others. Some of them groaned. They didn't want to wake up.

I waited till they were all back to sleep, then I honked the car horn as loud as I could.

They practically jumped out of their skins.

"Mornin' sleepy heads!" I noticed some of them *cough*Alfie, Marcey*cough* were trying to go back to sleep. I squirted them with holy water.

"I'm awake!" Alfie said.

"Couldn't you have let us sleep?" Asked an annoyed Jason

"If I'm up your up. That's how it works" I said. "Stop whining"

"We aren't whining"

"Guys it's New Year's Eve which means crazy people. Which means we should probably find a motel before the crazy starts."

"I thought you said we didn't have enough money?" Said Ethan.

"We don't which is why i need ideas." I said.

"We could rob a bank" suggested Alfie.

He wasn't kidding. Sometimes I worry about him.

"We need good ideas." I corrected my earlier statement.

"Well we have guns" Alfie retorted.

"That doesn't mean we need our names broadcasted all over the news." Said Ethan.

"Our names and pictures are probably on a milk carton somewhere with 'have you seen me' by now." Said Marcey "we aren't 18 and we just disappeared after our parents died"

We fell silent. No one had actually used the word died yet to talk about our parents, not out loud. We said killed but somehow that wasn't the same as admitting they were dead.


Not coming back.

"Sorry" mumbled Marcey breaking the silence.

"Don't be" I replied before anyone could say anything else and then continued our conversation

"we could steal some stuff and sell it at a pawn shop." Said Ethan.

"Don't you need an ID or receipt or something for that?"

"No idea"

"Hey I have an idea pull over in this parking lot." Said Alfie. I did and he got out of the car. "I'll be right back in a minute" he shut the door and ran off before we could say anything or ask what he was doing. I watched as he walked into a a restaurant called 'Smiles'.


"I'm going to kill him" I said leaning back in my seat.

:::time skip brought to you by pineapple pizza:::

Alfie hopped back into the car but now he had a purse. We watched him confused as he dug through the purse and pulled out a wallet. He opened it and held out a credit card.

"You did not." I grabbed the card and looked at it. "You stole 'Kaylee Ornible"s purse"

"She had it on the back of her chair she didn't even notice," he said "but just in case we should drive far away very very quickly now."

Hey peoples!
Sorry it's short!

I feel kinda pukey right now. This timeline is following the days I started making this up in my head which was the Sunday before New Year's Eve so here we are.

I will try to write you another chapter, but I still kind of have writers block.

So far writing every word that comes out of my head works.

I'm sorry if this one seems kinda crappy.

I know they haven't really done anything in a while.

Well you know anything good or legal.

But I'll have them kill "some evil sons of bitches" (Deans words not mine) soon enough.

I will try to write more.

Oh and guys I would really appreciate it if you guys would share this with your supernatural fandom friends on here or at least vote and comment.

I mean I know I'm not the most amazing writer on Wattpad or anything but I think you guys enjoy it (and if not plz tell me what I'm doing wrong) and I want other people to enjoy it too.

Plus I update for you people every single day.


Who got that reference?

No one?

Okay well bye.

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