Chapter 87: Strength In Numbers

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"If something happens to the two of you we're not just going to sit at home and wait to find out what happens."

"You are the prophet," said Gabby fiercely. For a moment I considered backing off. Gabby seemed very sure of her opinion on the matter. I could hardly persuade the avenging angel, the term had seemed a bit archaic since I discovered Supernatural was real, but with Gabby, at that moment in time, it seemed to fit. She was furious, and scary, and, I was sure, quite capable of smiting those who stood in her way.

But I was Maria, Prophet of The Lord, and, as far as I was concerned, Gabby, Zad, and their numerous cousins, were my responsibility now, as assigned by God. I wasn't letting it go. This was for her safety. "And you're the second generation of archangels. The key to restoring heaven. The only hope for returning order to the angels."

"Yes," said Gabby, "but we can protect ourselves. If we hadn't been here you would be dead."

"They weren't going to kill me anymore than they were going to kill you this morning. Which, by the way, if they had wanted, they could have killed you." They had her and Zad at their base, it would have been so easy to stab them or douse them in holy oil.

"Yes," said Gabby. "But you still would have come, and then they would have killed you too, because we wouldn't have been here to save you."

"Well, if you came back to The Bunker with us we wouldn't have to drive all the way up here and risk our lives," I pointed out. "And you could keep up with exactly what's going on. Gabby, we're going to fix heaven very very soon. We need you. Even the demons know it. Besides you'll be safer in The Bunker. Zad will be safer. We'll all be safer, you can keep your cousins safe, and me, the oh so important prophet. Strength in numbers."

Gabby glanced at Zad, then started moving her hands. Zad made a few signs back.

"Are you . . . " speaking might not be the right term here. "Is that sign language?"

"Zad is deaf," said Gabby bluntly. "It's time for you to go." She grabbed my arm and we flew to Jophiel's house. Zad and Cyrus landed next to us. I felt perturbed to be cut off from our conversation and slightly sick.

Jason ran up and hugged me. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"Stay here," said Gabby. Then she and Zad poofed away without explanation.

"What happened?" asked Dean.

"There were three of them," I said. "They just snuck up on us. They tried to make us tell where the other nephilim were. We sent them on a wild goose chase."

"I actually didn't do anything," said Cyrus. "I kind of just sat there and got hit a lot."

"You could have given them what they wanted," I said. "You didn't. Despite the pain. And you convincingly went along with my lies. You did good."

Cyrus nodded but looked unconvinced.

"Now where did Zad and Gabby go?" I asked.

"To help their mom take out the demons," said Ethan from the corner. Attention switched to Marcey.

"When did they say that?" asked Sam, looking bewildered.

"They were making plans in the corner before Zad and Gabby went to find Maria."

"and Cyrus," said Alfie pointedly.

"Well," said Ethan, "I didn't mean . . . Gabby didn't seem to believe Cyrus would be alive when they got there. Because Maria is the prophet and Cyrus is . . . a wonderful, amazing, super helpful person, who is completely irrelevant to evil demon plots. We were actually worried about you."

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