Chapter 15: We found Marcey

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I watched the news. The story about Marcey's mass murder. 23 people had died and there was 1 survivor but he was in a coma right now. Marcey had "mysteriously disappeared" from the scene of the crime but the security cameras had caught her face. It was fuzzy but the authorities had managed to identify Marcey and she was now the main suspect in our parents murders too, and it was unknown what had happened to us. The demon had flashed black eyes but the police either hadn't noticed or chose to ignore it.

It was disturbing, watching my friend shoot innocent strangers with a smile spread across her face. I knew it wasn't Marcey, but it still looked like Marcey.

I turned the news off. We had seen all we needed to. Now we need to save her.

"We should head to Nordale, the town where...Marcey...where that... happened." The town was still in Texas so we wouldn't have to leave the state quite yet. "she should be close-ish to it still."

"Wait," said Alfie "can't she teleport?"

"I'm not sure about the teleporting, but she's expecting us to follow her" I answered "she thinks it's fun. That's why she was so... extreme with that. So we would see it and follow her."

"Oh yeah let's just walk straight into the demon trap!" Said Jason sarcastically and shot me the face. He did this a lot. Acts like I'm stupid every time he disagrees with me.

"Yes because stuff like this" I said pointing at the screen "will keep happening if we don't. And then some hunter or cop is going to fight the demon and end up shooting Marcey. So unless you have a better idea, then yes we are going to follow a demon straight into a trap."

"Well, I have an idea." Said Ethan.

:::this time skip was brought to you by Batman... Cuz he's Batman:::

If this doesn't work we're screwed. I thought silently.

We were sitting in the motel room with a bucket of holy water filling up water guns with it and making more
salt rounds for the shotguns.

Suddenly the door flew open and Demon Marcey walked in.

She looked at us the smiled her eyes turning black.

"I wondered when you'd show up." She laughed.


>:) cliff hanger!

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