Chapter 8: A Nightmare

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I woke from my nightmare and barely managed to stop myself screaming. Just another dream. Not real. I'm safe in a motel the doors locked and we salted the doors and windows.

This dream was different. It wasn't a demon. This was a ghost. I watched her shoot a man. And I'd seen a name on a building behind it Cinder Inc. I quietly got up from the couch, which I had agreed to sleep on figuring I wouldn't get much sleep anyway with the nightmares. I found Jason's kindle fire and opened the google app.

I searched Murder, Cinder Inc. , gunshot, in the news articles search.

It had really happened. It was in a town, still in Texas, only 5 hours away. Our first hunt.

I noticed another related article. This one was our home town Winter, Texas. I clicked on it.

It was us. We were missing. Officially.

First was me. Dirty blonde messy hair. Blue eyes. The picture taken before I actually smiled. My school picture this year.

Alfie. Hispanic. Dark curls nearly covering his brown eyes. Goofy smile.

Jason. My unnaturally tall brother. Dirty blond hair gelled up in the front. Silver glasses. Greenish eyes. His smile fake not showing any teeth. Literally :)

Marcey. Hispanic. Brown curls past her shoulders. Strait up glaring at the camera through her glasses. I assume her mom took this photo.

Ethan. African American. Dreadlocks. His 3D glasses he punched the lenses out of so he would look 'stylish'. A beanie on his head. He was smiling way too big with crazy eyes =D.

It didn't matter if they found us I'd just run again, but it did make our job harder.

I mean it wasn't going to be easy in the first place.

I couldn't pull out a fake FBI badge.

I couldn't drive legally.

And to top it all off now my face was on a news paper article and probably a few other places too.

I went back and looked for clues in the article about the ghost. This was the 3rd murder like this. The victims had all been shot through the heart while alone in the building. They could never find the bullet.

This most likely meant the ghost had been murdered the same way.

I searched for earlier deaths in the same location but couldn't find any. That was weird. Ghosts usually haunt the place where they died right?

I searched again and once again, found nothing.

I was frustrated as I put the kindle back. I checked all the salt lines and went back to sleep.

I'd figure it out tomorrow.

Hey peoples!

So I managed another short chapter.

There's an actual monster now :)

Plus I gave you an idea of what my characters look like.

Don't worry school doesn't start till Tuesday for me so I promise a chapter tomorrow.

Vote, comment, share pretty please!


The Prophetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें