Im sorry

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I'm very sorry I can't continue this book it's not going to happen. I started it in 2014. So much has changed. I will always always remember this as something that changed my life for the better and everyone who ever read liked or commented was and will always be extremely important to me. This book means the world to me.

But when I started it I had three close friends who meant, and still mean soooo much to me. We all drifted apart. The youth group we were a part of died. I only talked to one of them this summer.

I based Jason off my brother. I love him a lot. So much. I can't seem to get him to talk to me much anymore and I'm constantly worried about him.  It hurts.

And Supernatural. Supernatural was . . . I loved that show. I don't anymore. I can't. After the last season I just can't. It will always hold a place in my heart, but not for what it is. I will love it for what it was and for the relationships I formed through it on the internet and everything those led to. I gained confidence in myself. I learned that I can in fact write things. I can even make my own characters. I found the word asexual (when you don't experience sexual attraction)  and I started exploring myself. (Lol still working on it). I love what this site and this fandom and this book did for me. But I'm done. It's painful.  I can't write about people I used to know and still love and a show that is essentially dead to me.

But I won't take it off the internet. It means too much to me.

I'm sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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