protective haku and awful accident

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Hey my followers this chapter might make you cry because it's quite emotional but also really adorable as well enjoy

Ravens pov
It was the next morning, me and haku got sorted to get ready to go back to the bathhouse “back to normal work" I sighed as haku hugs me from behind “I know but at least there’s no stress" he says “good point” I smiled at haku as he squeezes me while picking me up “your light" he said “obviously I’m short and I would be light" I said as haku kisses me on the lips and puts his forehead against mine while stroking my cheek “won’t everyone will be surprised to see us" haku breaks the silence “yes especially lin" I said “lets get ready and sorted" haku says as I nodded.

Once we got sorted me and haku hugs zeniba saying our goodbyes “thank you so much for letting us stay here" haku said “your very welcome. your welcome here anytime whenever you like" she said while smiling “be safe you two” haku turns into his dragon form and i get on his back. we both turned our heads waving goodbye at zeniba and no face “we will" I said as haku walks along the path and takes off into the sky “it’s sad that we had to go" I said while ruffling hakus ears “I know but we have to get back to the others" he says while looking at me in the corner of his eye “your right we’ve been here for 12 weeks” I layed flat on my front with my head in between hakus horns “you look tired" he said “slightly” I said while nuzzling into hakus dragon fur “I’m cold" I started to shiver and haku notices “here I’ll keep a hold of you in my paws so your against my chest" haku finds a place to land and I got off of his back ruffling his fluffy cheeks “come on let’s get going before we'll freeze to death" I said as haku grabs hold of me by his paws keeping me close as we took off back into the sky “I’m in my semi dragon form" I said as I rubbed my head against hakus neck “I can tell by looking at the horns and your tail” he says while tickling my face with his whiskers “you know when you found me injured as I was in a tree. hiding" I said while looking up “mmmm" haku growls lowly “I was really shy at first but when you went into your human form, I got really curious so I very slowly climbed down that tree" i said “yes i remember. you were a timid type, you came out of your shell quite quickly as you were constantly adorably following me. whenever I walked away, you were following me and i knew it was adorable as you were growling slightly in curiosity with your head tilted to the side, and also purring with your eyes being so wide and dilated” I smiled as haku looks at me and smiles back “I was scared by how big you were, as you were bigger than me and now your just a big gentle sweetheart” I said while ruffling hakus fur on his neck making haku purr and licking my face in return “aww and since your smaller than me. your just irresistibly cute. Your little dragon toes sticking out whenever you have a stretch and the tail wagging. I just cant get enough of your cuteness" haku coos while I nuzzled into him “remember how lin was trying to tickle my dragon toes and you layed on top of me, tucking my back and front legs so lin wouldn’t get to them" haku giggles “yes that was hilarious I was in a cheeky mood" he said “I know plus lin was being sassy and you went sassy back" I said while giggling “oh yes I definitely remember that" he said while I was playing with my tail “what are you doing?" haku asks “trying to catch my tail" I said while chuffing and catching my tail “that’s so cute" he says as his head was upside down and booping my nose with his causing me to squeak slightly “alright squeaky” haku teases “I ain’t squeaky” I whined “whenever I boop your nose, you always do that squeak” I blushed as I used my tail to hide my red cheeks “aww somebody’s gone shy" haku cooes as he nuzzles his face against mine as we both purred loudly.

I looked to the side seeing the beautiful sunset “pretty" I said as haku looks as well “it truly is" as the sun begins to set, the stars came out and my dragon horns began to glow brightly “night light" haku says while admiring my glow in the dark horns “oh please I’m more of a bloody rave glow stick" I giggled “well your bones crack when lin bear hugs you. but no glow in your little body” haku jokes “true but at least I’m not like a firefly" I said while playing with hakus whiskers “if you were, there’s a high chance you’ll be getting squished or eaten" he said “how" I looked up at haku “I have a bad habit of chasing fireflies and catching them in my mouth" I began to giggle “nothing wrong with that we're both young and tend to do things like that” I said as haku smiles and licks my face.

the dragon spirit Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora