fire vs water

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Ravens pov
"Master haku. Mistress raven" me and haku both turned our heads looking down slightly as we saw the little green frog aogaeru walking over towards us "yes" haku spoke as he bows and wraps his arm around my waist "where have you both been?" aogaeru said while hopping in the air so he can look at us "we've been busy" haku said as he smirked at the constant hopping "doing what?" He said "work" I replied with a smirk on my face "doing yubabas dirty work again are yous?" he said "what. No just checking up on the workers" said haku "is that human still here?" Aogaeru bombarded us with questions "yes shes with lin" haku sighed "midget" haku speaks into my mind as I had a big grin on my face trying to hold in my laugh "where is she?. Why is that human still here?" Aogaeru said as he continued hopping "why are you so nosey?" Haku questioned back "because I'm curious" aogaeru said as he continues to annoy us.

"shes a worker now and shes now lins helper, plus me and raven are her and all the other workers bosses" haku explains "so does that mean that you two are my new bosses of the bathhouse?" Aogaeru stops hopping as he looks up at us "we've always been the new bosses. Remember that yubaba let me go and I'm not her henchman anymore. besides I'm now the new manager and raven is my assistant or even better. Shes another boss of the bathhouse we both own it. Dont we darling" haku smiles at me as he looks at me "yep so you better not get in trouble" I said.

Whilst me and haku were walking through the hallway, aogaeru was following us "does he ever stop constantly asking us these questions" I speak through hakus mind "nope he can be very annoying sometimes" haku replies back "I have an idea" I said "what is it?" Haku questioned curiously in my mind "watch this" I look at haku in the corner of my eyes as I smiled at him "oh I think a customer needs some help with the bath" I said while we stopped walking as aogaeru stops behind us "I'm on my way" aogaeru runs off down the hall in the opposite direction "that's him sorted" I spoke through hakus mind "nice one" haku replies as we quickly sped walked to go to the lift.

Hakus pov
We headed to the top floor which was where yubaba lives but also my and ravens room were "and now we can just chill and relax" as soon as me and raven sat down on the small sofa, the bell rang for us "yubaba wants us" I said as we both stood up and left the room. When we got to yubabas office, there was paper all over the floor, money everywhere, a few black spots of ink on the desk and on the carpet "what happened in here?" I said as my and ravens eyes went wide "hes back" yubaba looks at us with fear "who?" Me and raven say at the same time feeling confused "HIM" she said as I had a lightbulb moment and ravens tail went very puffy as she caught a specific type of scent until I had the scent running under my nose "we need to get out of here" I panicked but stayed calm "you two need to leave this place" yubaba said quickly as we heard a loud roar.

Raven froze on a spot as she was scared like a deer in headlights "go. Now" yubaba tries to get ravens attention by waving her arms in front of her "raven. Come on. We need to go my love" I said as I managed to get her out of her gaze. I turn into my dragon form and I growled quickly and calmly as raven jumps on my back and I flew out of yubabas office and went straight through the maze of doors out of the hall and straight into my and ravens room.

Raven gets off my back as I stayed in my dragon form "we'll go to zenibas that's our only way to stay there until everything is calmed down" raven walked in and out of the bedroom and the bathroom packing our clothes, shampoos, shower gels, toothbrushes and a few other things "is that everything?" I growled calmly as I spoke through ravens mind "yep let's get out of here before he sees us" I felt raven putting a bag on my back and then she gets on "hold on" I said through ravens mind as she holds onto my horns and I took off into the sky.

While we were flying, it was night time "the stars are beautiful" I felt raven lay on her front as she nuzzles her face into my mane "we rarely get stars coming out but it is lovely to see them once in a while so at least we can enjoy it as much as we possibly can" I spoke through ravens mind "true it's so relaxing" she said while I felt raven running her hand over one of my ears "your so soft" she said "well I do have fur after all plus I'm fluffy" I smiled as I looked at raven in the corner of my eyes. I turned my head slightly, seeing her laying there on my back starting to fall asleep "I'm so tired" raven yawned as her arms dangled over my back "have a little snooze" I let out a gentle growl "but what if I fall off and land whatever's down there" raven panicked "you wont. I'll make sure you wont fall. Besides you cling onto me so I know you wont fall" I reassured her "well you never fail catching me anyway your always there in a flash" she said "that's because I get there in perfect timing" I said "yeah your right" I heard raven yawn as she snuggles into my fur and fell asleep on my back.

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