stubborn and cuddly dragon

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Ravens pov
I woke up the next morning with a fright “HAKU" I screamed making haku jump as he sits up immediately hugging me tightly in his arms “what happened” haku gets me to tuck my head under the crook of his neck as he wraps his arms around me keeping me close “I had a nightmare” I said as my dragon fur on my tail puffs up “its okay your alright beautiful your safe I’m here" Haku’s comforting words calms me down as my fur went back to normal “what time is it" I yawned while rubbing my eyes “its 6 in the morning” haku says as I look at the clock “ughhhh" I lay on my stomach so I’m on top of haku as I lay my head on his chest as my arms flopped on each side of his ribs, clinging onto his fluffy bathrobe “I don’t want to go back to sleep" i said while haku strokes my dragon tail and rubs my back comfortingly making my dragon instincts to kick in so I turned into my dragon form snuggling my head under hakus bathrobe for warmth “here you’ll warm up quicker in here" haku picks me up and tucks me under his bathrobe so I would be close to him “that’s better” I sighed happily feeling cosy and safe.
While I was snuggled up inside hakus bathrobe, I saw haku drinking some tea as I watch him from the gap in his bathrobe “I need a drink” I said as my mouth was dry, i turned into my semi dragon form and I poked my head out “here try this" haku holds the cup of tea in front of me “what kind of tea is it" I ask “it’s got berries in it” I sniff the hot beverage and took a few small sips causing me to lick my lips “what do you think" he said “that’s actually quite nice" I said until I began to sneeze “I’m guessing you caught a cold" haku puts his cup of tea down beside the bed and I wrap my arms and legs around haku while he puts a blanket over me keeping me close “yeah i feel like crap. Plus I’ve been sneezing a lot recently" I whined slightly while snuffling “I’ll look after you" haku kisses my forehead while humming a song. I sat still while my hands are on hakus bathrobe as I knew the song he was humming “I love that song it’s always with me" I said as tears began to dwell from my eyes “that’s right and I will always be with you my love" haku dries my eyes by using his thumb as he rocks back and forth slowly.
As we spent a good few hours of having cuddles, lin comes In with warm food and drinks “hey love birds" lin greets us as I sneezed again “bless you" lin said “thanks just don’t hug me I caught a cold” I said while I blew my nose “that’s awful and I’m sure you will feel better in a few days" I nodded and smiled slightly “I brought some tea and some breakfast its porridge with raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries” my stomach growls loudly “I’m off back to work I’ll pop in later on. see you later” lin waves as she leaves the room.
While I was all snuggled up in a blanket, haku gets me to lean my back against the pillows next to him as he sits with his legs crossed and starts feeding me “I can easily feed myself baba” I sneezed again avoiding sneezing all over haku “bless you and I know but I don’t want you to struggle since your not well" I look at him in the eyes giving up of trying my luck “fine” I huffed in defeat as I opened my mouth rolling my eyes at the same time and haku gives me a spoonful of my breakfast “I put some honey in it as well" he said as I could taste the sweetness of the porridge with the berries “it’s not bad" I said “good" he said.

After breakfast i wanted to go outside, when I sneakily went towards the balcony haku closes the doors “mhhhhhhhhhhh" I whined “come on love I don’t want you getting sicker” haku picks me up and looks at me face to face. I turn into my dragon form putting my paws over hakus hands as my back paws just dangle freely “but I want to go out” I huffed “one word. nooooo" he said while booping my nose I went cockeyed as he did it “grrrrr" I growled as my ears lay flat “don’t you dare" haku gasps playfully as he giggles.
I put my paws over hakus lips “try me" I smirked as I put my paws back over hakus hands “alright" haku puts me down on the bed as he gets a blanket, putting it over me while he puts both of his hands on each of the sides of the blanket so I wouldn’t be able to escape “now you wanna try me” I move around under the blanket as haku can see me moving about by seeing a lump shuffling “please let me out" I whined as I stuck my head out from the bottom end of the blanket and I crawled under hakus legs as he was on his hands and knees.

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