cuddles, bugs and squeaks

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A few weeks passed since the incident and whenever yubaba sees haku she hides "have you noticed that since you went mental at yubaba shes been avoiding us a lot" I looked at haku as he looks at me in the eyes "I know she deserves for me to have a go at her I'm actually had enough of her getting me to work late nights and whenever I got really tired like for example I went to bed at 6 in the morning as soon as I go to sleep she just comes barging in telling me to continue work like I get no break at all" haku explains "I can tell your fed up of it and thats why your with me and lin" I said as haku felt relieved "I'm glad" he says "anyway wanna get food" I suggested "yeah sure I'm starving" me and haku walks into the hallway and head towards the elevator to go down to the ground floor to the kitchen to get food.

After we reached the kitchen the smell of food hits us which causes our stomachs to go crazy "sounds like you two lovers are hungry here" the chef gives us a bowl of food that we both never seen before "what is that" haku asked "its honey and peanut butter porridge with raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries" we both looked at the porridge and the smell of the sweetness of the honey and the peanut butter made our mouths water "it looks so good" says haku as we both bowed and left the kitchen "morning guys" lin waves me and haku over for us to sit on the same table as lin "did the chef gave you the new breakfast meal hes made" said lin "yes it looks so delicious" said haku as he digs into his breakfast "woah eat slowly haku it's not a race to see who can eat the fastest you dont want to get an upset stomach" lin panics a bit as haku stops eating his breakfast and looks at his bowl and then looks at me realising he ate all of his meal in one go "you ate yours so quickly dont you feel ill as it tastes sweet" I slowly ate mine "no i have a sweet tooth" said haku "wait you scoffed your food in seconds" said lin as haku nods "I'm still hungry though" I spat my food everywhere missing haku as I choked slightly "how are you still hungry" I said while struggling "I dont know I'm always hungry" he said as he couldnt keep his eyes off of my semi full bowl of porridge "I'm struggling to eat mine" I said while putting the spoon down and pushing the bowl slightly "wait your stuffed" haku said "yeah here you have it" I pushed the bowl full of porridge to haku as he slowly eats the rest of my breakfast.

After breakfast haku noticed something wrong "are you alright" he says feeling concerned "yeah just got a dodgy stomach" I struggled to walk as I was in pain "that porridge was too sweet for you" haku pointed out "yeah it was I was struggling to eat it I only managed to eat a quarter of it" I explained "it was because of the honey and the peanut butter" I said "just take it easy" haku gently picks me up as my legs were wrapped around his waist and my arms are wrapped round his neck "I feel like crap" I sighed "I know surely some rest and some water would help" he said as we got into our room. Haku carefully puts me down on his bed and gets me to lean against one of the cushions "and just slowly lay down" I lay down slowly putting my legs on the ground easing the pain in my stomach "is that any better" he asks "yeah just a little bit" I said while haku stands up and goes to the bathroom to get some water and comes back through "here" haku gives me a cup full of water and I start to drink some "you'll start to feel better in about an hour or so" he said while kneeling beside me and turns into his dragon form "mmmhh fluffy" I smiled while nuzzling into hakus fur for comfort "you comfy" I looked up into hakus dragon eyes as he licks my forehead "yeah" I said while starting to doze off slightly "I've noticed your feeling tired" I yawned as he said that "yeah I just want to sleep the pain off" I said as I went to move towards a comfy spot near haku he stops me "just stay there I'll make you comfy" haku stands up and moves towards me as he lays beside me where the bottom half of his body was where I am so I could lay against his tail and use his green fluffy tail as a blanket "better" he said while gently nuzzling his face against my cheek "yep" I said while snuggling into him as I began to drift off to sleep.

A couple hours has passed and haku wakes me up "hey wakey wakey" he says while tickling my face with his fluffy tail I start to giggle slightly as I opened my eyes to see hakus face in front of mine "feeling any better" he asks "yeah it helped" i said "good I'm glad" he says while I sat up and stretched "since your stomach is back to normal shall we go for a walk" haku suggested "that would be great" I stood up and we both left the room. While we walked through the hall way we saw lin walking past "hey lin" I said "hey I heard you had a upset stomach due to the porridge being really sweet" lin says "yeah I'm alright now just had some sleep and some water" I said "that's good" she said "where are you two off to anyway" lin questions with a smile on her face while holding some towels "just going to go for a walk" said haku "sounds good it's a nice day too" she said "yeah it is" I said "well I'm off back to work just pop in and give me a shout when you need me" lin walks off into the opposite direction down to the tubs as me and haku walks to the balcony.
When we got to the balcony, haku jumps off the balcony and transformed into his dragon form I look down feeling nervous since it was at a big height "dont worry I'll catch you" I took a deep breath and closed my eyes opening my eyes again to see haku smiling and being silly to cheer me up "god your so fucking funny" I giggled as haku dances in the sky so I built up the courage to turn around so my back was facing haku and I done a backflip from the balcony I turn my head to see haku following me all the way down as I transformed into my inner dragon and flew straight up before almost hitting the ground "you did it" he said "I know it was scary though" I said as we flew right up into the sky.

While me and haku were flying, haku decided to tease me a little bit "you can't see me but I can see you" I looked around searching for haku "oh here we go playing hide and see are we" I said while looking around the place "I can still see you but can you see me" haku continues to tease as I hunted everywhere "where the hell did you go haku" I thought as I heard giggling somewhere in the bushes so I flew down and gotten into a commando crawl position "oh I will find you alright" I thought while I sniffed the ground following hakus scent.

Hakus pov
I got into a teasing mood so I hidden in a very big Bush with white flowers all over it "she'll never find me" I thought as I giggled slightly I looked in through the holes of the bush I was in and I saw raven smelling around in a commando crawl while trying to find me so I stuck my nose out slightly and blew gently towards her causing her to jump slightly and squeak playfully "oh my god that squeak was so adorable" I couldnt stop giggling to myself and fan girling "peekaboo" raven sticks her head in the bush I was in "I heard you giggling" she said "aww it gave it away" i said "yeah i felt something gently blowing on my tail causing me to jump and squeak" she said "that squeak was so cute" I said "ahh that's what made you giggle" she said "yes" I said "your so cheeky" she said while I came out of the bush and since we were in a playful mood I got into a crouch position and jumped towards raven as I crashed into her causing us to roll around playfully biting each others tails, necks and paws so raven jumped in the air with her back legs sprawled in the air and lands on all fours and she launched herself towards me landing on top of me with her head on top of mine "you tired yet" she says "I do not think so" I said while i sat my head up slightly and she began to nibble my little ears so I decided to nibble hers "heyyyy" she whines "what" I looked at her with my head tilted slightly giving her a wide eyed look "your nibbling my ears" she said "I know because your nibbling mine" I said while putting my head down on the ground smiling at her as she lays down beside me snuggling into me.
While we were laying down in the grass a little butterfly lands on ravens nose she goes completely wide eyed admiring the tiny bug "oooo pretty" she said as the butterfly flew off her nose and raven gets on her back while trying to catch the butterfly "just dont put it in your mouth" I said "what why would I want to do that" she said "because I can easily see you trying to catch the butterfly while opening and closing your mouth trying to catch it" I giggled "I only do that to fireflies" she said "nooo you do it to other insects here let me show you something really cool" I got up and climbed up the cherry blossom tree with raven following me "be careful when your up on the branches dont jump" I warned as raven gave me a confused look "why" she gives me the cute head tilt as always "look on this branch" I pointed to a little pink thing on the little branch "what is that it looks like one of the flowers" raven asks as she looks at the little pink insect "it's called a orchid praying mantis these little guys look like the pink flowers from the tree to camouflage themselves from animals that wants to eat them" I explained as we both turned into our human forms "it's so pretty" she said as the praying mantis moves towards my leg "wanna hold it" I offered as she nodded "just hold your hand out and it'll crawl towards you" raven puts her hand out as the praying mantis crawls on her hand "it's so spiky" she said "they use their claws to catch prey" I said as raven puts the orchid mantis back on the branch and it crawls off wherever "its getting dark we should head inside" I said as we headed back inside the bathhouse.

The kitchen was packed as usual at this time chefs are going all over the place cooking food and serving food to the workers and the customers "ah good evening haku and my lady" the chef greets us both "hey chef just the usual" I bowed as the chef gives me and raven a plate full of food for us to share "enjoy you two" he said "thanks" I bowed as me and raven head towards the elevator to our room. Once we arrived to our room for the night, raven lays down on the cushion from this morning "are you hungry" I said while eating a dumpling "just slightly" raven crawls towards the food in a tired look and sits on her knees "here" I gave raven a dumpling and a few rice balls with a hint of soy sauce so the rice wouldn't be too bland "thanks" she starts eating the food I gave her i kept on watching her as she couldnt keep her eyes open "hey let me move this so you wouldn't fall face first in your food" I moved the tray full of food so raven wouldn't fall into her food "sorry I'm just tired" she apologized while yawning "dont be its alright it's late anyway" I said while I carried raven to the bed that we both sleep on. I put her down gently so she's got her head on the cushion, I stood up took some food with me to snack on and layed down on the bed next to her.

After about 10 minutes of me eating in the corner of my eye I saw raven sitting up "what's up" I said while looking at her she was that knackered she didn't speak she climbs on top of me and lays her whole body on me so her head was on my chest snuggling into me while falling asleep "you just wanted a cuddle" I said while I put some of my leftover food down so I wouldn't make a mess. Once we got settled I fell asleep afterwards.

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