gills behind the fur

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Hakus pov
It's been a few days since we arrived at zenibas and it's been quite peaceful without sen and lin constantly teasing us "it's so hot out here" raven huffed as she stretched her body whilst shes in her dragon form "I know darling. Looks like were going off for a swim in my river" I took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air since we are outside in the back of zenibas cottage "let's get some things and we'll head off" raven gets herself up as she climbs up on my back. Feeling her claws digging into my bare skin on my back "claws" I cringed since I wasnt wearing my kimono due to the hot sun "sorry" raven purred as she nuzzles her head below my jawline while I walked inside.
"Sounds like you got caught in the sun" zeniba chuckled "what do you mean I know I'm sweating that's why we're going to go to my river for a swim to cool off" I explained as I felt confused "you have a sun burn" zeniba shows me the sun burn that's on my arms and chest "crap I forgot to put cream on" I sighed while zeniba helps me pack some stuff including food, 5 bottles of water, towels, chairs, umbrella, sun cream and a cooler "zeniba we dont need any chairs we will be sitting on the grass" I said "oh I know but I thought it would be nice for me and no face to come along" ravens ears perked up as she sat her head right up and looks at me "alright" I look back at raven in the corner of my eye until she starts licking my face "alright darling thank you for the kisses" I chuckled and smiled while putting my hand on her muzzle.

Stroking her as she started to purr as I felt her tail move at the bottom of my back. Once we got everything, raven hops off of my back and she turns into her semi dragon form as she walks next to me "it's so hot out here" raven wafts her hands to cool down "I know my dear" said zeniba as raven struggled "I'll turn into my dragon form so you can ride on my back" I stopped walking as I turned into my dragon form. I crouched my head down so I can let raven climb up "lets go" raven patted the side of my neck as she lazy lays there with her head lying in between my dragon horns as her arms and legs dangle freely with her tail wrapped around my neck "we're almost there" i growled calmly as i saw my river in the distance. Causing me to speed walk a little bit to get in the shade from a nearby tree.

When we arrived, raven slowly gets off of my back and turns into her dragon form "here have some water you need to rehydrate yourself" since me and raven turns into dragons, zeniba bought a bowl for us both to drink out of when we're in our dragon forms "thank you" I poured some water in the bowl and I sat down beside raven in the shade as she starts having a drink "aww bless shes thirsty" zeniba said while she gives me a bottle of water "I knew she was going to be since its boiling hot out here" I said while taking a few mouthfuls of water and I put some on my hands so i can rub my hands all over my face "dont forget to put this on haku" raven sits her head up as she looked at me "you need to turn back into your human form obviously your a dragon spirit and whenever you turn back into your human form your horns and tail will always show" I explained while I started putting sun cream all over my body. After I put sun cream on my body, I began to put some on raven.

"Come on love" raven turns into her human form As her horns and tail was showing "atta girl" I smiled while I put sun cream on raven "all done" raven sits herself up as she wasnt used to having sun cream on her skin "I feel sticky" raven whined "I know and so do I but it's to stop us from getting burnt" I explained while I stood up and gave zeniba the sun cream "let's go in the water" raven turns into her dragon form as I turned into my dragon form, raven walks up towards me as she licks the side of my face and heads towards my river.

I walked behind as we both stood on the edge, looking down seeing the fish that's under the water "you go in first" raven said shyly as she felt nervous "you'll be alright. I'll be right here with you, plus zeniba and no face are watching" I purred as I put my forehead against ravens as we both growled calmly and purred "come on gorgeous" I put my nose against hers as our whiskers flowed in sync. I put my head up slightly as I went in the water "come on pretty girl" I cooed while I swam towards the edge and raven slowly went in the water "there you go" I said as we played in the water "if you look just behind my ears under my fur you can see something" I turn into my human form as raven swims towards me "let's have a look" I slowly move one of ravens dragon ears as I gently brushed my fingers through ravens fur "since I'm a River dragon just like you. I can breathe under water" raven giggles as I spotted some gills on her skin that's buried under her fur "that's amazing" I said as I ruffled ravens ears as she started to splash me "hey no fair" I chuckled as I splashed her with water in return with my hands.

Whilst we were playing, raven went underwater so I went under the water, chasing after her as we glide through the water "you cant catch me" raven spoke through my mind "oh yes I can" I sped up slightly, catching up to her as I was right behind her "gotcha" I dived beneath raven so she was above me. I wrapped my tail around hers as I spun my body around so my belly was against hers. Raven looks down slightly as she licks my chin. I growled happily in return as I looked at her making us both to look into each others eyes "still beautiful like a angel" I purred "and your still handsome and majestic like snow" my heart began to melt with love as we swam up to the surface.

When we reached to the surface for air, I turn back into my human form as raven turns back into her semi dragon form "let's get some lunch" we both got out of the water and got greeted by no face giving us a towel "thank you" me and raven bowed as no face bowed in return while we dried ourselves "I'll help you" I saw raven struggle to dry her tail so she stood still as I rubbed her tail with the towel "it's a bit damp but the sun will dry the fur" I explained while we sat on the grass eating our lunch.
I took some food out of the cooler grabbing some fruit, onigiri and some ramen noodles that's in a bento box "omg these are so cute" raven opens a bento box that zeniba made "thank you dear it took me a good 30 minutes for me to make these" she said while we began to eat.

After we had some lunch, raven turns back into her dragon form as we both chilled in the shade "I brought some dessert" zeniba shows us two small tubs of ice cream "what flavour are these?" I asked while I opened one of the tubs "ones vanilla and the other one is mint" zeniba smiled as raven perked up "such a cutie" I put down the tub of icecream in front of me as I hugged raven. She happily returned the hug by resting her chin on my shoulder as she happily growled "aww isnt that sweet" zeniba cooed as raven turns back into her semi dragon form as she takes one of the small tubs that was filled with icecream "that ones vanilla I think" I said as I opened the small tub. I grabbed a spoon and started eating some "aww you got the mint one" raven sighed "have you had that flavour before" i questioned and raven shakes her head "here try some" I scooped up some ice cream with the spoon and I gave raven some mint flavoured ice cream "not bad" raven smiled as she starts eating some of the vanilla ice cream from the other tub.

A few hours has passed, the sun began to set "the scene. It's so beautiful" raven said as she lays against my chest "mhmm its peaceful too. Let's get going since it's getting dark" raven sits up as we both helped zeniba pack all of our things and headed back to her cottage. As soon as we got back, raven fell asleep on my back since she turned back into her dragon form "she fell asleep" zeniba whispered as I saw ravens head on my shoulder by looking at her in the corner of my eye "yeah she'll be alright. Once we get indoors and everything she might wake up" I said as zeniba let's us inside.

I gently pick raven up from my back as I slowly sat on the sofa, laying myself down and putting raven on my chest "there you go darling" I said while I gently run my fingers through ravens fur making her smile in her sleep as she begins to purr as her paws dangle on my sides lazily "I'll make some tea" zeniba puts some water in a kettle as she starts making some tea "thank you" I said quietly. When zeniba puts 4 cups of tea down on the table, raven slowly starts to wake up "hey sleepy head" I cooed while I kissed ravens forehead as she smiled still half asleep "I wanna go back to sleep" she yawned "I know. Have some tea to help you sleep darling" raven turns into her semi dragon form as she gently picks up the small cupful of tea "it's a bit hot" said zeniba as raven blows the steam to cool her hot drink down and slowly takes a sip "it tastes good" raven licks her lips as she slowly takes another sip whilst I dunk a small biscuit in my tea "theres biscuits there If you want one" I smiled as raven takes a shortbread biscuit and eats it.

Once me and raven had a hot drink, raven fell asleep on my chest "can you pass me a blanket please" I whispered as zeniba hands me a blanket "thank you" I bowed my head slightly as I put the blanket over me and raven to keep us warm "you look tired my boy" said zeniba as I yawned "just a little bit" I said "get some sleep your going to need it" she said "alright" zeniba heads off to bed as she turns off the light. Only to see the fire flickering in the fireplace that's in front of me and raven "sleep well my darling" I kissed the side of ravens head as she starts to shuffle around slightly feeling her tail wrapping around my leg as she snuggles into me. She grips onto my kimono as she refuses to let me go "might as well get some sleep" I thought as I slowly began to doze off to sleep.

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