playful little dragons/ hakus river

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Hakus pov
A couple days has gone by since raven had been in a fight “hey beautiful how are you feeling" I cooed as raven stretches her dragon body while yawning “a lot better” she said as she was laying on top of my chest “that’s great how's your tail though since you injured it in the fight" I asked feeling quite concerned “it’s not too bad it’s a tiny bit tender to touch, I think I broke it when chihiro grabbed it when I tried to escape from her" she said as her tail starts to wag slightly “at least it’s not worse" I said while shoving a few mouthfuls of porridge in my mouth since its breakfast time, I saw ravens nose peeking over my bowl making me giggle “your right. Anyway what’s for breakfast I’m starving" raven asks while getting excited making her jump in the air causing me to worry “c-careful darling I don’t want you having another accident. remember you’ve just fully recovered” I put my bowl down, trying to catch raven without stepping on her tail until i accidentally caught the end of her tail.

she yelped quite loudly and bolted right underneath the covers and the small mountain of pillows since she gotten spooked “I’m really sorry darling” I panicked while rushing into the bathroom getting the first aid kit and speed walking back in the bedroom trying to encourage raven to come out “raven come on sweetheart please come out I need to check your tail, I’m really sorry for stepping on it” I begged and pleaded raven to come out until eventually she came out, I spotted her poking her head out from under the blanket feeling relived “oh my goodness I’m really sorry baba” I said carefully scooping raven up in my arms wrapping the blanket around her cuddling her trying to calm her down by rocking back and forth slowly.
After a few minutes raven fully calms down, I looked at her in the eyes as they were quite red and puffy from her crying “shh shh shh it’s alright your perfectly fine come on let me check your tail" I cooed as she lays on top of my arm snuggling into my kimono. I felt her trying to get inside my kimono so she can get to my body heat since she was feeling the cold “hang on sweetheart you can have cuddles in a minute” raven whines as she was too sore “please" raven looks at me wide eyed still a bit teary eyed I also realized she’s a bit tired as well “alright” raven squeaked out and lays her back against my chest letting me check her tail “thank you darling” I said as raven wraps her paws over my arms with her claws digging into my skin slightly “I know its sore darling. I just want to make sure it’s not broken” I gently feel ravens tail trying not to hurt her as she’s in a lot of pain by clenching her jaws.

she starts moving her back legs slightly in a swimming motion “there’s a good girl nearly done" I said as felt the fluffy end of her tail and she squeaked quite loudly “its so sore" she hissed as she buries her head against my chest gripping onto my kimono “alright I’ll put a ice pack on it to calm down the swelling and give you some painkillers” I get the ice pack and the painkillers from the first aid kit and gently put the ice pack on ravens tail “its really cold” ravens dragon fur on her tail went fluffy as she tries to get inside my kimono to escape from the ice pack “I have to put the ice pack on to calm down the swelling” I explained while I pick raven up and looked at her eye to eye.

she looks back right at me “I’ll be quick as I can and then we can have cuddles hmm” I said as raven looks down at my bare chest as my kimono was loose then back up at me “alright” she says as I smiled at her and then she eventually smiles back at me.
Once I got the ice pack on ravens tail, I gave her a painkiller to ease the pain “now can we have a cuddle” raven looks at me straight in the eyes “yes we can have cuddles" I said as raven immediately goes straight under my kimono, snuggling into my chest “whelp there goes my happy little dragon" I sighed as I heard raven growling quite happily as I peeked under my kimono, seeing raven all snuggled up “you comfy" I said as raven sticks her head out seeing her fluffy dragon face. As I went to stroke her head she started licking my fingers and my hand “yeah” she said as she began licking my chin “I’m sorry for stepping on your tail" I apologise “its alright it was just an accident" she said as I felt relieved “I feel guilty though" I said “don’t be I still love you" she said while nuzzling into me cutely “I love you too" I said stroking ravens forehead.
After 10 minutes I took the ice pack off of ravens tail “there you go” I said while booping ravens nose causing her to put her paws on my mouth as I was about to kiss her on the forehead “what” I said through muffles as ravens dragon ears flicked cutely “I’m in a playful mood" she said while putting her paws on my nose as her whiskers danced whenever she would talk “god your so adorable” I smirked while I managed to kiss ravens forehead “come on then let’s go outside we haven’t been out of the bathhouse for a few days” I stood up with raven still in my hands. she looks at me and down on the ground while wriggling about slightly kicking her back paws in the air “I can’t be arsed to walk" she said “well looks like you’ll be staying right here in my arms gorgeous" I held raven close to me with one hand as her top half of her body was laying against my chest with her front paws gripping onto my arm as her bottom half just dangles freely.
While I was walking in the hall with raven in my arms, we saw lin in the corner of the hall “hey lin" raven growled loudly and happily as lin looks up and smiles “hey guys" lin waves while walking up towards us “I heard a loud yelp this morning Is everything alright” lin gets concerned “yeah. Raven got a bit excited as she was hungry and she was jumping around and I tried to get her to calm down. I accidentally stood on her tail” I explained as raven looks up at me and nuzzles her head against my neck while licking my chin “ugh” lin face palms herself “I know but she’s alright ain’t you" I cooed at raven while stroking her face making her smile and purr “yep” she said while wagging her tail slowly “you look happy and content in that position” lin says “I’m comfy" raven whined as we all giggled “I was just cleaning the floors aaaaannnddd I put these up" lin shows me and raven the warning signs she put up so none of the customers and the workers wouldn’t have an accident “that’s great" I said as lin goes back to work and I walk past going towards the elevator.
When we reached to the bottom floor, I walked outside the bathhouse going to our usual spot where we normally go and chill. the sun hits the both of us as the summer breeze goes through my hair and ravens fur “FRESH AIR" me and raven said at the exact same time making the both of us giggle. I walk towards the cherry blossom tree, sitting down in the shade to avoid getting burnt. I lean my back against the tree with raven laying her back on my chest, I put both of my hands around her as she lazily sat there chilling.

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