riddles and baking

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Hakus pov
It was early evening, everyone is waking up to get ready for work "morning darling" I smiled at raven as she opens her eyes and yawns "more like evening" she smiled "to us evening is morning but to humans morning is evening" I said while taking a big stretch and raven does the same as her paws spread apart since shes in her dragon form "breakfast?" I questioned "yes please" I got out of bed as raven climbs on my back. I felt her claws digging into my bare skin on my back "claws darling" I froze as i felt raven climbing onto  me as she puts her front paws on my shoulder and she lays her head next to my neck, snuggling into me purring away "let's get some food" I chuckled as I left the room heading to the ground floor to the dining hall with raven clinging onto my back.

When we got to the dining hall, it was packed "ugh here we go again" ravens ears perked up as she growled in curiosity. I felt her tail move left and right slowly against the bottom of my back "what are you so happy about gorgeous" I cooed while I used my fingers to scratch under ravens muzzle gently as she purred and growled happily at me and turns her head slightly making me look in the same direction "oh that's what your so happy about you can see lin" I kissed the side of ravens dragon face as she licks under my chin "I can hear loads of purring and growling coming from raven. Looks like someones happy to see me" lin chuckled as she booped ravens nose causing raven to rub her nose with her paws "we just not long woken up and its packed" I explained as lin ruffles my hair "hey stop that" I huffed "still in your usual mood haku" said sen as she went to touch ravens tail "dont touch me" raven snapped as sen jumped and ran away "why are you constantly touching my tail. I keep on telling you its sensitive" raven explained "because I want to" said sen "sen you need to grow up and stop constantly ignoring us. LISTEN" I sighed getting fed up of sens behaviour "I'll deal with her" said lin "thank you" raven said as I walked away grabbing our food and walking out of the dining hall.

As soon as we left the bathhouse, I walked through the garden with raven resting on top of my head "the flowers are pretty" she said while i walked through the maze of flowers trying to find a good spot to have our morning meal "mhmm they smell good too" i stopped walking as raven climbs off my back letting me to kneel down so i can sit on my knees "what food did you get?" Whilst I was getting the food out, raven was constantly sniffing the food "just the normal stuff we get" I said as I started to eat a steamed bun "I can smell it already" raven turns into her semi dragon form. Sitting beside me as she snuggles into me "here you go, have some steamed buns" I hand raven one of the steamed buns as she takes it out of my hand and begins to eat "please tell me you bought onigiri with you" raven looked at me as she caught me smirking "you have I can tell from you smirking" raven giggled as I smiled while I took a small beige coloured cloth out of my bathhouse uniform pocket "oh you mean these" I said "yes that's it" raven wags her tail slightly as she tries to get the food "alright hang on darling. Finish eating that off first" I chuckled at her cuteness as she finishes off eating the rest of her steam bun.

After we finished off eating our food, I turned into my dragon form "let's go for a fly" I spoke through ravens mind as she runs up towards me, leaping over grabbing onto my mane getting herself comfortable as she grabs onto my horns "ready when you are" raven strokes behind my ears as I took off into the sky. Whilst we were in the air, we saw lin and sen waving "have fun you two" lin shouts as I roared loudly "HAKU SAYS WE WILL" raven replies as I sped off with raven holding onto me "where are we off to?" I felt raven laying her head in between my horns as she wraps her arms around my neck "I'll give you a clue" i purred "hmmm i dunno probably the market" i heard raven giggle "nope try again" i growled calmly as I turned my head slightly looking at raven "i dont know i give up" raven sighed as she puts her hand on my muzzle "come on I'm sure you'll know keep guessing" I encouraged raven to keep guessing where we're going "your river?" raven questions "na ah keep going" I chuckled as the growl from the back of my throat made my body vibrate slightly "your such a pain" raven joked "aww I know darling" I cooed "let me guess. The forest" she said "what if we were in the forest. I wouldn't be flying would I" I growled as I smiled "oh, yeah. good point" raven sighed as she nuzzles into my fur "you'll get there eventually, come on just give it one more try. I'll give you a clue, look around but also look down. Theres water but also see a straight line with every stop. but the further we go we will get there on time" there was pure silence for a good few minutes "hmm look around but also look down. I see water and a train track that's in a straight line" raven pointed out as she looks down "yep" I purred "Theres a train stop every few metres. The further we go we will get the on time?" Raven questions "just think my love" I smirked since I know where I'm taking her "for goodness sake haku you gave me a bloody riddle" I laughed as raven playfully gently slaps me "your almost there" I growled while I smiled "does it start with the letter z" raven sighed as I heard a squeak coming from her as she yawned "maybe" I watched ravens reaction in the corner of my eye.

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