river spirit/ dragons

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Hakus pov
A couple weeks flew past since me and raven scared chihiro by making her stuff move around in her room "alright love birds hows it going" lin looks at me and raven whilst she sat down across the table eating "we're good" I said whilst taking a small bite out of some noodles "have you noticed that sen has been very tired lately" raven looks at lin in wide eyed as I just closed my eyes pretending nothing has happened "well no. We have been busy at work" I said as I gave raven half of a steam bun as she happily takes it and starts scoffing it quickly "hungry hun" I smiled as raven looks at me licking her lips and growling "yeah is that right" raven nods as we saw lin looking at us weird "dragon whisperer" lin teases "well no shit sherlock. I'm a river spirit and we all know that I turn into a dragon" I said pointing my chopsticks at lin "anyway as I was saying. shes been really quiet too. I wonder what's wrong with her" lin looks at us both with a bored expression on her face "I heard a high pitched scream a few weeks ago. I saw sen come running to me looking like she saw a ghost" I almost spat my tea everywhere as ravens ears went right up since shes in her semi dragon form "really" raven looks at lin as ravens pupils went thin like a cats eye ready to attack "yeah she was too scared to go back to sleep and now she cant sleep. She explained to me that she saw stuff moving around in her room and she told me a big zombie head came flying down right in front of her face" lin explains whilst whispering "we need to talk to you about something" I said putting my elbows on the table as raven turns into her dragon form and climbed on my back, snuggling her fluffy head under my chin near the crook of my neck "right. you know how sen has been constantly flirting with me non stop and we told her to quit it for the past few weeks and months" lin nodded "well. we had no choice but to scare her to teach her a lesson. We understand that it scared her, but. She needed to learn and she needs to stop that inappropriate behaviour full stop and end it fully" I explained "ahh right that explains why shes been feeling tired" said lin "we're sorry we had to do that" raven said "its alright it's not your fault. At the end of the day. Shes the one that deserved it, because she needs to move on and act mature like us" lin said as she moves her finger in a circling motion on the table.

While me and raven were chatting to lin, sen came up to the table sitting next to lin "hey sen" lin ruffles sens hair as she yawns "sleepness night again" said lin "mhmm" sen rubs her eyes as raven puts her head flat on the table looking at sens tired form, causing her to look up at raven as the two girls noses touched and sen got a fright "its alright sen it's just raven. Shes in a bit of a relaxed mood. Ain't you pretty girl" I said whilst looking at raven and ruffling ravens dragon fur making her growl in return "I just want to go back to sleep" sen yawns again "maybe you should head off to bed" said raven as she winks at me looking at me in the corner of her eye causing me to giggle slightly "sorry just thought of something really funny" I turned around facing away from sen and lin while covering my mouth and fake coughing as i took a deep breath and turning myself back around again, making sure I have my normal working behaviour attitude still plastered on my face "I'm gonna take sen back up to her room. See yas" lin takes sen back upstairs while I stood up "come on let's go and get some fresh air" I pointed out as raven walks beside me.

When we were walking, raven stops me by standing in front of me and crouched down "alright. my feet are getting sore anyway" I said smiling at raven as I hoisted myself up on ravens back as she stands up and walks out of the bathhouse. "That was close" I said "yep. I knew you were going to laugh at that pun I said earlier" raven explained "what the one when I said you should head off to bed" I snorted and laughed "yeah that one. because we used the zombie head and you said head OFF" raven smirks as she giggles too. joining in my laughing fit "I'm glad we told lin" said raven "we had to tell her anyway. but at least she understood why we did it" I said "yeah your right" raven takes a few runs as she leaps in the air taking off up into the sky.

Since I was on ravens back, I felt the refreshing calm summer breeze as the wind goes through my hair "bit windy ain't it" said raven "nah its alright" I replied while I ruffled her white dragon fur on the side of her neck, watching her whiskers float in the air majestically "well. Would it be better by doing this" raven drops down into the sky causing me to lay on my front, hands gripping onto her horns whilst holding on tightly "are you trying to make me fly off" I teased "no" raven immediately stops as she flies up and suddenly does a leap of faith with me still holding onto her for dear life as I wrap my arms around her neck with my legs clinging onto her firmly "oh nooooooooooo" I quickly shut my eyes so the air wont dry my eyes out as she lands in the water "open your eyes haku" raven purrs as I open my eyes "we're in the water" I turn into my dragon form, still clinging onto raven as she swims through the water with me "your so cheeky" raven stops as I let go of her swimming in front of her "I thought we could have a bit of fun" raven smirks at me as we swam up towards the surface heading towards the edge of the river bed getting out of the water and shaking the water out of our dragon fur.

"you almost made me bring my breakfast up" I huffed "I thought you have a strong stomach" said raven as she puts her paws on me lazily laying her body over mine "I do. but that was..... fun" I turned my head to the side seeing raven slithering her body heading back into the water as I watched her going underwater and coming back up again as her nose bobs above the water making me put my dragon nose against hers as she puts her head up smiling at me "DRAGON KISSES" raven leaps out of my river, landing on her back against the grass as soon as she went to escape, I layed flat on top of her so she wouldn't escape out of my grasp while I licked her face attacking her with kisses as she turns into her semi dragon form "ha- hakuu" raven said in mid laughter while she puts her hands on my face as I growled happily playfully squashing her.

As we were playing, sen comes running over panicking "HEY GET OFF HER" sen tries to push me off but her short body and weak human strength caused sen to give up "your too heavy" she whined while raven popped her head out from underneath my dragon body with a loud popping sound as I kept her warm since she came out of my river "its okay sen hes only playing" raven puts her hands in front of her saying its alright "well hes being mean by trying to squash you" sen panics "sen it's fine. haku just wanted to keep me warm, since I've been in the river" raven explained as I layed my head down beside ravens body as she manages to wriggle herself out of my grip "where do you think your going, I'm not finished with you yet" raven tries to scurry away as I stopped her by putting my paw over ravens tail gently dragging her back towards me "haku your such a pain" raven whines as a slight gust of wind caught her making her shiver "your cold" I gently put raven down beside me as she snuggles right against me using her tail as a blanket until I quickly stopped her "use my tail as a blanket love. your fur will be damp still" I used the end of my nose to push ravens tail off of her lap and wrapping her around with my dragon tail as she used the fluffy end of my tail as a blanket to keep herself warm "feeling better" I lay my head down on the grass, watching sen as she kneels down in front of me "yes haku and I can see that your very protective over raven" she said "yes. Have you learned your lesson yet?" I questioned "yes. I have" said sen "good. then it should stay that way. If we see you do that one more time we're just going to avoid you. Understand" I explained "yes master haku" sen bows in respect.

Since sen was here kneeling down in front of me, raven turns into her dragon form running around "your so energetic" sen said "she's always full of energy and so am i" raven flies above me as I stood up and took off into the sky, chasing after raven as sen watches me and raven playing and nuzzling into each other "get a room you two" me and raven looked at sen as we were in the middle of playing in the grass "attack her" I pointed at Sen as raven leaps on top of sen attacking her by licking sens face "heyyyyyyy. Ewwwwwww that's gross" raven gets off of her turning around, shaking her tail about with a smirk plastered all over ravens face "that's what you get for saying to us to get a room" raven giggles as she run towards me, playfully nibbling my ears and rubs herself against me.

Her head nuzzles against under my chin whilst she growls happily as I nuzzled back purring and growling happily in return "calm down. God your like a puppy" sen whines "how are you used to that haku" she said wide eyed "because whenever she gets in a playful mood I get myself in a playful mood too" I explain as raven went very excitable by jumping all over me and flying around causing Sen to watch her as her head moves quickly around following ravens movement as sen gets dizzy "COME HERE YOU" I took a big decent jump, managing to catch raven in my jaws "come on gorgeous time to calm yourself down" I gently grab raven by the scruff as she went in a vulnerable mood "how'd you manage to catch her" sen said "easy I done it before" I said whilst I put raven down on the ground, nuzzling her face gently calming her down.

Once raven calmed down, sen went back to work as I head back to the bathhouse in my human form with raven all snuggled up on my back still in her dragon form as she fell asleep "aww look" "aww that's so sweet" "omg shes so cute" "bless her" a few workers awed as they saw raven sleeping on my back in her dragon form "she had a lot of energy so I tired her out" I said as I headed upstairs to the top floor hearing a few workers fangirling whilst I looked at them seriously making them to take the hint as they scurried off back to work. When I arrived to my and ravens room on the top floor, I carefully picked raven off of my back and putting her on my chest as she immediately clings onto me with her paws "looks like I tired you out that much you fell asleep" I cooed whilst I slowly layed myself down on the bed so I wouldn't wake raven up.

I gently stroked her soft fur causing her to growl slightly in her sleep "sleep well princess" I kissed ravens muzzle as she licks under my chin in return "i love you too" I chuckled lightly and smiling while I put my arms around her dragon body as I slowly dozed off to sleep.

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