fluffy fur and stressful work

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Just to let you guys know feel free to put your ideas in the comments they would really help me thank you hope you'll enjoy this chapter :)

Ravens pov
A few days has passed since haku told me how he felt and we've never left each other alone "hey fluffy face" I put my head under hakus pillow as I was in my dragon form constantly growling slightly in excitement trying to wake him up "hakuuuuuuuuuuu wakkkkkkkeeee uppppppppp" I whined while I just sat on top of him until I had a idea so I put my face right in front of him drooling everywhere sadly it didnt work as haku was snoring his face off until a bit of drool went into his mouth "ugh what waaaaaaaaaaaahhhh ohhhh" haku opens his eyes immediately as he nearly screamed "your awake" I said while I licked hakus face "woah woah calm down what are you getting excited about" haku giggles while I got off of him and I sat a few cm's away from him "awww what's uppp" haku sits right in front of me playing with my whiskers and cheeks "who's my pretty dragon hmmm" haku says as I tried not to giggle "obviously it's me" I said while rubbing my face against hakus cheek "your fur has gotten more fluffy recently" he said "I know because it's getting colder I'm getting my winter coat coming in" I said "I'm the same" he said as haku goes into his dragon form and as I went to feel his fur by my dragon paws i couldnt stop touching his fur "oh my gooooooddd your even more fluffier than me" i said while i went wide eyed like a puppy "dont forget your really fluffy as well" he said as he starts to play with my tail "your fluffy tail has gotten more thicker and softer" he said "winter coat" I said as lin came knocking on the door "hey you too breakfast" she said while putting two bowl fulls of food in front of us "I heard you two saying you have your winter coats coming in" she said as me and haku nodded "yeah hes more fluffier than me" I said "nooo your more fluffier" he said "look you both are fluffy and adorable" lin says as me and haku blushed "cheers" I said as I waved my tail under lins nose making her sneeze loudly on her way out "NOT FUNNY GUYS" she said "I got bored" I said as haku giggles in the background "yeah you made me headbutt the door" said lin as haku went into a laughing fit "oh crap" I said while giggling "I'll get my own back on you two" as lin says that she slips over the floor in the hallway "FROGGGGGGG FOR GOD SAKE PUT A WARNING SIGN SAYING SLIPPERY FLOOR NEXT TIME" lin shouts while walking away in a huff "wow someones having a hissy fit" haku calms down as he sticks his head out of the door causing me to close the slidey door on his nose "ow my nose" haku panics and whines while holding his nose "sorry haku" I apologise while checking his nose "it's fine dont worry" he said while sniffing around the room.

"What are you sniffing at" I said "I can smell food and something sweet" haku said as he kept on sniffing from the room to the hallway and into the kitchen "I bet they're making some desserts or something" I followed haku as he crawled all the way around the hallway following the smell. Once we reached the kitchen haku finally found the smell he was following and haku tries to sneakily take some food from the table "ah ah ah haku it's just came out of the oven" one of the workers tells him off "oh come on pleaseeeeeeeeee" haku constantly nags the workers "once its cooled down you can" said one of the workers "ughhhh" haku turns away from the table and outside on the balcony "I'll be back in a sec" I said as I turned into my human form and asked for some food "thanks and can I also have some of that please" I pointed to the freshly made lemon drizzle cake and got the food and left.

Once I came from the kitchen to get some food haku was laying on the balcony with his whiskers dangling down from the edge "look what I haveee" as I shown haku the food his eyes lit up "what no wayyy" he said sounding speechless "yes way" I said as haku rubs himself against me "careful you dont want me to drop it" I said while putting the tray full of food down and kneeling "what was it that you were after so bad" I asked "it was that lemon drizzle cake" he said "oh really well come to think of it theres something just beside you" i smirked and haku turns his head to see a lemon drizzle cake next to him "yessss your the best" haku starts scoffing his cake while I began eating a dumpling that was filled with meat and a few rice balls "your not wanting to get yourself some cake" said haku "nah I'm not a sweet kind of person when it comes to food I'm more into savory food" I explained "ah that's understandable" he said.

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