sleepy haku and naggy yubaba

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Ravens pov
I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare as I looked around the room with my head right up I panicked slightly looking for haku and he was still asleep tucked in under my fluffy tail "it was just a dream" I thought as I took a deep breath and put my head back down on the floor as I growled lightly while I moved hakus hair out of his eyes by gently blowing air from my nose and suddenly he started to giggle lightly while moving a bit and he snuggles right into my fur. After about 30 minutes I noticed that haku got a bit restless as he was constantly tossing and turning so I decided to wake him up by licking his face "hmmm" he starts to mumble until he sat right up quickly "RAVEN" he shouts as he looked at me "heyy your alright you just had a nightmare" I said while haku rubs his eyes "what time is it" he says while yawning "its 6 in the morning" I said "ughhhhhhh I dont want to worrrrkkkkkk" haku groans as he nuzzles into my fur "oh don't worry about that I spoke to yubaba yesterday and she told me that you can have the day off" I said "how did you manage to do that" he said "it was easy" I said as we heard a knock on the door "morning you two" lin walks in the room with breakfast "morning lin" I said "what's up with haku" lin questions while haku wraps himself around my tail "he had a nightmare by tossing, mumbling and turning, he panicked so he shot right up while shouting my name and I immediately comforted him and he just wouldn't stop snuggling into me" I explained while I put my head beside haku until he puts his hands on my face and touches my nose "that's scary and aww it shows that he loves you to bits wherever you go he follows when you were with yubaba helping her out with things the other day, haku had a big panic on worrying where you went he went into his dragon form and trashed the whole place as he was severely upset and stressed he went from the tubs to the window in and out of the bathhouse looking everywhere for you" lin explains about what happened the other day "wow I never knew he would be that scared of losing me" I said "oh yes he's all over you we all noticed that" said lin" but the thing is how come" I questioned "I think it's the fact that your another dragon spirit the same as him and since you came along he wasn't feeling alone" she said "ahh that explains everything" I said "yeah so dont worry if he gets scared" said lin "I wont I'll make sure he knows where I am" I said "great. Anyway I brought breakfast and yubaba says that haku has the day off" says lin "we know I spoke to yubaba the other day" I said "I'm glad and you know where I am If yous need me" lin says as she walks out of the room.

Once breakfast was brought up, the aroma of the egg, noodles, rice and sushi filled the room making haku to pop his face out from under my thick fluffy tail and to start eating "the way you just popped your face out was so cute" I said "mmmm I'm just tired and hungry" he said while yawning "you can take a nap later" I said as haku couldnt stop keeping his eyes open since he kept on dozing off which causes his face to fall into his breakfast "oh haku come here" I said while I picked him up gently with my dragon paws and move his breakfast on the tray and licks his face clean "why dont you just have a snooze" I said as haku goes back under my tail and falls asleep.

After a couple of hours it was the afternoon "haku wake up" I said while nuzzling his hands until he starts to wake up "what happened" he asked "you kinda dozed off while eating your breakfast and as you dozed off your face landed in your bowl full of your breakfast" I explained and I could tell that haku was embarrassed "I'm sorry" he apologises "dont worry at least your feeling a bit better" I said "yeah I'm alright now I had to run a few jobs late last night since yubaba wanted me to clean the bathtubs again especially the big tub" haku explains "that's good and wow" I said "yep That's why I have the day off" said haku "what do you want to do today" I said "I'm not sure probably go outside and chill" he said "shall we go and see everyone" I said as haku nodded "yeah sure" he says as we went to the bottom floor to see the other workers.

Once we got to the ground floor, yubaba was standing in front of us "good afternoon you two where have you been all morning" she asks "long story short haku had a nightmare and he was really really tired since he worked late last night due to cleaning all of the tubs especially the big one. Lin brought us breakfast and as haku started to eat it he wouldn't stop staying awake so he kinda fell face first in his food and I had to clean the mess up and told him to take a nap" I explained to yubaba "oh dear I hope your alright" she said "I'm fine" said haku as he sounded fed up of yubabas nagging "see you later" said yubaba as we walked outside to play. "Lin told me you get very very worried when you dont know where I am" I said "yeah its true" said haku "its normal to feel scared it just shows that you really care about me" I said "so you dont think I'm annoying" haku questions "nope I find yubaba a lot more annoying" I giggled as haku laughs loudly "what" I said as haku calms down "nothing just find it amusing that yubaba is a lot more annoying" he said as I laughed "I knew because of all the nagging like nag nag this nag nag that haku do this haku do that like seriously shes so irritating" haku says as he puts his hands on his head "your so funny" I said as he blushes "you think" he said "yep" I said as haku snuggles under my neck since we were both in our dragon forms "wanna climb that cherry blossom tree" I said "yeah sure" said haku as we climb up the tree and layed on a very big branch I had my legs dangling from the branch with my tail wrapped around the branch while haku hangs upside down with his tail wrapped around the branch above me until he starts to tease me "your such a teaser" I said while putting my head up as our noses touched each others "that's so cuteeee" we both looked at lin at the same time as she took a picture of me and haku touching our noses as we both blushed "liiiiiinnnnnn" I whined "too late this is a keeper" lin says as she walks off while fan girling "grrrrr I'll get my own back" I said as haku giggles "oh dont worry she teases me as well" says haku "I bet that was payback from yesterday when we were in the pool and I was blowing bubbles under water behind lin" I explained "could be but I'm sure she wouldn't do anything silly its not like shes going to show the photo to everyone around the bathhouse could she" he said as me and haku looked at each other thinking "LIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNN" we both shouted at the same time as we flew towards the bathhouse looking for lin "there she is" haku points as we landed and ran towards lin "what's up with you two" she said confused "please dont show everyone that photo" said haku "ugh dont worry I'm not going to do that" she said as I saw a smirk on her face "we dont want that embarrassment" I said "I'm only showing the picture to kamaji" she said as we both looked stupid for chasing After lin "as long as yubaba doesn't see it" said haku "dont worry she wont get to it" said lin as she walks off into the bathhouse "whelp thats problem solved" said haku as we went back to the cherry blossom tree.

"What If yubaba sees the photo of us" I started to worry "I'm positively sure yubaba wouldn't see the photo lin told us shes only showing it to kamaji and she would make sure yubaba wouldn't see it" haku explains as I was relieved "I'm glad" I said as I climbed down the tree and sprawled in the grass "I'm itchy" I said as I rolled around in the grass scratching my back "I still cant believe that my face actually fell in my bowl full of breakfast this morning I'm a mucky pup" haku gets embarrassed as he covers his eyes with his dragon paws as his whole body was laying on the grass beside me "hey your not the only one I get a bit messy sometimes too when it comes to food" I said "I'm not the only one" he said "your alright" I said as I snuggled under hakus neck as he gently growls while he wraps his tail around mine as it gotten dark some fireflies were glowing around us until one of them lands on hakus nose "that's so cute" I said as I couldn't stop awwing at the cuteness "its just a little firefly they're harmless" said haku as he gently blows through his nose as the firefly flies away "theres something that I really really wanted to say but It took me a lot of confidence for me to say this and I'm going to say this" haku looks at me as I look at him in the eyes "I love you" he said as I couldnt stop smiling and felt tears in my eyes "I love you too" I said while haku licks my cheeks "you made me become a confident young dragon spirit since we met I just couldnt stop thinking about you non stop you fixed me you helped me through the hard times I never felt happier" haku tells me how he felt "I'm so glad I met you too you've been so helpful and supportive and protective around me wherever I go whatever I do your always with me you taught me what I never done before and I feel strong" i said as i felt really happy so we spent the rest of the evening watching the fireflies under the cherry blossom tree.

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