haku uses his powers

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Hakus pov
"Haku wake up" I heard ravens voice while i felt her nudging me slightly "mmmfff what time is it?" I groaned while I yawned and stretched my arms "its 10am" I heard zeniba said as she points at the clock "it's a bit early" I said while I sat up and began to rub my eyes as raven snuggles into me "still half asleep I'm guessing" I smiled as I picked raven up and put her on my lap, wanting a cuddle "yeah I've been up since half 9. I got woken up by zenibas kettle" raven says as zeniba puts 2 cups of tea on the table and some food "dig in children" zeniba smiled as me and raven started to eat our breakfast "what's happening today then?" I questioned "yu bird has came to visit" zeniba sighed "hmm" me and raven looked up at zeniba at the same time "right" I said giving zeniba a confused look "she told me that you two need to head back to the bathhouse" zeniba explained "what for" raven said "sen has been causing havoc and also a certain spirit has returned back" I stopped eating for a sec as I froze "wait wait wait. You mean that ginger dragon is still alive?!" I raised my voice a little bit. making raven jump as she buried her head under my kimono since shes in her dragon form "sorry darling" I apologised "sounds like it to me" zeniba taps her finger nails on the table "but haku killed him" ravens head pops out of my kimono as her head lays on my shoulder "could be the fact the power revived him. hes a fire dragon and-" I butted in "we're river dragons" I said still feeling shocked and speechless "we need to head back to the bathhouse asap" I finished off eating my breakfast as I sped walk into the guest room with raven inside my kimono still "how are we going to defeat him."

raven squeaked, Feeling slightly nervous "dont worry, we'll get yubaba to deal with him" I said as raven felt relieved "let's get going before he gets to the bathhouse" I head outside with raven as zeniba and no-face stood outside the front door "be safe you two" raven climbs out of my kimono as she turns back into her semi dragon form and zeniba hugs us both "we will" I said as I turned into my dragon form and raven puts the bags over my back as she ties up the buckles and gets on my back "ready beautiful" I growled "yes" raven wraps her arms around me as I felt her tail curl around the back of my neck as I took off into the sky "I dont get it. I seriously dont get it how the hell did he survive" raven said as she growled "that's what I want to know. Zeniba told us that the fire power is that strong its strong enough to revive him" I spoke through ravens mind "I know. I'm getting to the stage now where I just want to rip his nuts off" I sense ravens dragon instincts kicking in by feeling her nails digging into me "calm down love. I'll make sure he wont touch you. He needs to get through me first" i growled as raven brushes her fingers through my fur keeping us both calm "dont you mean through you, lin, yubaba and other loads of workers" raven snickers "yes definitely" I said "oh and also kamaji he made it like hell" raven pointed out "we'll get kamaji to deal with him biiiiiigggg time" I purred as I smirked "ughuuuuuuu" raven said.

2 hours passed, we decided to take a break "did zeniba pack us some food" raven said as her tail moves slightly "yep she made us onigiri" we sat down at a nearby tree as we leaned back against the bottom of one "I didn't get to finish off eating my breakfast" raven said as I heard her stomach growl loudly "I know darling. Here you go have some to fill you up" I offered raven some onigiri as she picked one up and started munching into it "I'm feeling scared" she said "dont worry love. The other workers will deal with him and I'll be with you at all times" I reassured raven as she shuffled closer towards me, sitting in between my legs as she lays back against my chest "trying to get comfortable" she said as I wrap my arms around raven keeping her close towards me as she keeps eating her lunch "you need to eat" raven hands me the rest of the onigiri as I finished the other ones off.

After we had a break, raven turns into her dragon form "comfy" raven purred as I leaned over slightly. Kissing her forehead "yep I'm all set" I said as raven began to walk then into a jog and a run then heading off into the sky "its beautiful being able to enjoy the scenery" I said "mhmm best for the both of us on our days off" raven said while I ruffled behind her ears, causing her to purr and smile "when we get back, make sure you land on the top balcony" I suggested "no problem" raven said as she picked up the pace. Her movement went like a slithering motion slightly with a spiral "I just want to cuddle you all day" I said while I gently grip onto ravens soft fur as I inhaled her scent by nuzzling my face into her mane "feel free" raven purred as I rested my head inbetween her horns.

the dragon spirit Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon