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Ravens pov
A few months passed since haku saved me from my ex, I've been constantly right by hakus side ever since "haku" I walk around the bathhouse looking for haku as I saw lin walking up towards me "hey raven my favourite little dope dragon" lin hugs me tightly as my dragon tail wags slightly as I'm in my semi dragon form "hey lin have you seen haku" I questioned feeling concerned "yeah he had to drag orange gingerbread man to see yubaba as he was caught red handed flirting with the female workers" I face palmed "ughhhhh Aiden always does that he doesn't learn" I huffed "I'm still shocked on how he treated you in the past. but I'm so glad you and haku are together. he treats you like a woman" lin smiles "I agree I can't get enough of his cuddles, protective and caring personality" I said while holding my tail wrapping it around myself happily thinking of haku "you miss him don't you" I nodded "yeah" I sighed "he'll be back, he told me to look after you while he sorts orange out" I giggled "what's so funny" lin asks as a smirk lays on her face "oh just the fact that you call my ex orange and gingerbread" lin laughs as well "he's an orange dragon plus hes ginger and wears an orange and white bathhouse uniform so yeah" lin says "exactly and besides you can call him whatever you want I'm not bothered. Do anything that'll anger him" I give lin a smile as she ruffles my hair playfully.

"I'm so glad haku brought you back here, it makes our lives less boring" lin said "how" I questioned "your funny, caring, supportive, mature, honest and also strong" lin hugs me while we talked to pass the time "hey what I miss" I look to my left seeing haku walking up towards me smiling happy to see me "nothing much, lin was telling me where you went" haku picks me up as he gives me a bear hug "I had to sort ORANGE BOY out since I caught him flirting and slacking off again. I didn't want to wake you up since you were peacefully asleep" haku explained "oh can I slap him" lin pointed out as Aiden came walking past in his semi dragon form. I turned into my dragon form.

Whilst Aiden walked past haku purposely knocking his shoulder against hakus causing me to become angry, I bit Aiden's tail causing him to jump in the air "karma bites back on the ass Aiden quit slacking off orange boy" aiden sped walk away from us feeling embarrassed "that was unexpected" said lin "I'll do anything to make his new life hell" I scoffed while haku kisses my dragon face "that's my girl" haku said proudly while we walked around the bathhouse going back to work as lin continued on what she was doing.

Hakus pov
"I wish my beautiful dragon was here" I thought while dragging Aiden up to see yubaba since I caught him slacking off again while I was walking around "ow that hurts" aiden whines as he's in his semi dragon form "well you shouldn't have been slacking off then should you, that's your own fault not mine" I huffed as i held aiden by one of his horns whilst dragging him in the elevator going up to the top floor. When we reached to the very top, I drag aiden with me towards yubabas office "why are you taking me here" I stayed silent keeping a good firm grip on aidens dragon horns while I was knocking on the door "good morning master haku slacking off again I see" the door knocker spoke as he sees aiden at the same time "yes for the 100th time this week and also for constantly oggling at raven" I said as the doors open.

I ran straight through all the doors and stopped dead tracks in front of the last double doors "good morning master haku" yubaba greets as I push aiden forward "caught red handed slacking off again but this time I caught him flirting with a few female workers" I explained with my arms folded over my chest, giving Aiden a serious look "oh for goodness sake, you boy should know by now. Leave him with me haku" yubaba sighs as she looks at me, I walk away heading back down to the ground floor.

When I got there I saw raven talking to lin "hey what I miss" raven turns around and comes running up towards me as I picked her up hugging her tightly "I missed you" she said as we saw Aiden walking past us in his semi dragon form as raven bit him on the tail, making him embarrassed scurrying off "how did you sleep" I ask "I slept good would've been better if you were there" raven licks my chin lovingly making me smile "I'll make a point on that" I said while ruffling ravens dragon face with my hand as she growls lowly and happily.

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