country singing snake/dizzy dragon

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Hakus pov
Its been a good few weeks since my enemy, smokey tried to get raven and I've been keeping an eye on her ever since "hey guys, I heard about that black and purple dragon. he looks scary as hell" lin said "we know he's intimidating. I'm trying to keep him away from us because of his powers and prevent from trying to take raven away from me" I explained as lin went wide eyed "what no way in hell hes taking my dope dragon away from me" lins sassyness has got the better of her "Ha he has to get through haku first before he'll get the chance to get me. Besides like haku said a loyal dragon stays loyal and stays with their mate for life" raven gave us a scary grin. Causing sen to become nervous "are you still scared of me?" Raven questioned "no.... m-maybe but it's just that scary smile" sen stuttered slightly as lin ruffles sens hair "that's just the way she is sen" lin said as she puts her hand on my muzzle "yeah I look intimidating because of my smile but I'm nothing but a big sweetheart. Hakus the same" raven pointed out as she looked at me and rubs the side of her face against my cheek "yep we can look scary, but we're just two gentle giants that only get aggressive when theres something wrong or in our territory" I explained as we all heard a loud rattling sound echoing from the corridor "SNAKE" sen screamed as me and raven turned around to see benji in his snake form "its alright it's just benji" I said as he turns into his human form and comes over with a big grin on his face "ssssssscared ya" he laughed "not funny" sen huffed "oooooo looks like someone likes you" lin smiled as she nudges sen with her elbow as sen blushed "omg you do" lin squealed in excitement as she hugs sen and spins her around "have fun diamond boy" I smiled while I put my hand on benjis shoulder.

Benji looks up at me and smiles back "thankssssss" benjis lisp gives way as his inner snake instincts kicks in while I walked to the nearest elevator as raven was on my back in her dragon form. When we got to the top floor, we turned right to see yubaba. The maze of doors opened all at once and I ran through them all in a flick of a light "you wanted us" I said as yubaba sits her head up and looks at me and raven "yes I heard about that rival black and purple dragon. I can tell he's evil by his powers and also by his looks" yubaba gave us a serious look "hes jealous because I have water powers and I'm stronger than him, also hes wanting raven because he wants a female" I explained "I'm sure putting your water power with benjis venom power will mix it and will weaken that black and purple dragons power" yubaba smiles evilly "I wouldn't risk it yubaba. In my eyes hes dangerous. His powers are electric, thunder and shadow. Turns out hes a DEMON DRAGON" ravens eyes went wide as she starts to panic "wait what" ravens fur starts to puff up "I forgot to tell you hes a demon hun" I sighed while I kissed ravens muzzle and scratching under her chin as she relaxes instantly by letting out a calm growl "this is a tricky one" yubaba thinks as she had an idea "I want you two, benji and sen to go to the forest. Deep deep into the forest to find a spirit" ravens ears perked up "what kind of spirit?" ravens eyes sparkled "this spirit is a spider spirit she will help you with that evil dragon" yubaba tells us the plan as benji was called in and she explains to him what going to happen "we will pack up and leave. Tonight" me, raven, benji and sen packed all of our stuff and we headed out.

"How are we going to get there?" Benji questioned as raven turned into her semi dragon form and I turned into my dragon form and I nuzzled into ravens neck "obviously flying. my love You'll be on my back like always, sen will be behind you and then benji" I explained through ravens, sens and benjis minds "sounds good" raven smiled as she and Sen tightens the bags on my side and raven gets on my back then Sen and then benji "ready when you are haku" raven wraps her tail around my neck and she leans forward as I took off into the sky.

Ravens pov
Whilst we were in the air, benji started singing "if it hadn't been for cotton eyed Joe, I'd be married a long time ago. Where did you come, from where did you go? Where did you come from cotton eyed joe yeeehaaaa" "oh nooooooooo" haku huffs as he lets out a annoyed growl "what's up handsome" I spoke telepathically to hakus mind "whenever benji gets bored he sings country songs but he yodels as well" haku replies "may I listen to see how it is?" Haku looks at me in the corner of his eyes as he thought "yeah sure" I smiled as I scratched behind hakus ears as he let's out a happy growl "someones happy" benji joked "yeah haku is just wanting some scratches since hes feeling a bit distressed" I explained "I understand that and I know how you feel haku as I'm the same" benji strokes the side of haku as he continued singing until we heard and felt a growling like giggle "what's so funny?" I smirked "oh nothing" haku replies with a big grin on his face "ummmm guys you might want to hang on tight" I warned "why?" Sen and benji said at the same time "because hes going to do something" I said as haku went straight down, causing benji to shout out 'ayyyeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaa' "haku are you nuts".

sen screamed as she had her eyes shut "well I thought you three would want some fun" haku spoke through our minds "but what about raven, isn't she having fun" sen said "well no crap what does it look like" I said smiling as i held onto hakus horns "omg look at benji" I turned my head slightly as I saw benjis face "see hes having fun" I said as haku raises back up into the sky and calms down "that was fuuuuuuuuuuunnn" benji said happily as sen wasn't happy "sen is everything alright?" I questioned as sen shakes her head "haku can you find a place to land as I don't think sen feels right" I said as haku let's out a growl and we lowerd down to the nearest ground.

When we landed, Sen gets off hakus back and runs to a nearest bush "I think that was a bit too much fun" I said while resting my head behind hakus horns "I didn't mean to" haku speaks through my mind "its fine you were only trying to make the journey less boring" I said as I get off of hakus back and he nuzzles into me "I think that stopped benjis yodeling" I smirked as haku licks my cheek and then we saw Sen coming back out from the bush "feeling any better?" I questioned as sen gave haku an angry look "your such an idiot haku. Doing that funny business now I feel ill" sen huffed as she stormed off towards a nearby tree.

We watched her sit down and rested against the roots "looks like a no to me" haku speaks through my mind "I think it's good for us to have a rest since we've flown for hours" haku lays down as I sat myself down and I lean my back against hakus neck "who's hungry?" Benji gets food out after he made a fire "I'll pass" sen sighed while I curled my tail around my lap. Causing me to run my fingers through my fur "ain't you two cute" benji smiled "we are dragons after all" I said "true and I'm a snake annnndddd shes a human" benji pointed out as he puts some food above the fire to cook it "what are you cooking?" I questioned "just some chicken, pork, veg and fish" me and haku watched as benji made a few selections of kebabs "I'll have the fish and chicken one" hakus mouth drools as his slobbery mouth went all over me "haku" I looked at him as he puts his nose against mine and licks just under my nose and near my lips "awwww hes giving you kisses" benji cooed while I put my hands on hakus muzzle "I know and hes hungry like always. Just shows he's a typical dragon with normal dragon behaviour" I said while giggling as I fell backwards and haku lays his head on top of me "foods ready" me and haku look up slightly.

Seeing benji with food "cheers" I said while digging into my food and as benji went to give haku his meal, haku puts his paw up "can you take it off the stick please since I'm a dragon I eat it off the ground" benji smiled as I knew he spoke to benji through telepath "no problem" benji takes the fish off the skewer and puts it on the floor "thanks" haku licks benjis hand and benji stroked hakus muzzle "your welcome. I'm going to check up on sen over there" we all looked at sen sitting against the tree with her head on her knees "alright" I smiled as benji goes over towards sen and sits beside her.

After me and haku ate our food, i started to feel tired by letting out a yawn "you tired?" Haku purred "a little bit" I said as I yawned again "looks to me your really tired" haku looks at me in the eyes. The pupils in his eyes went wide as he went all soft "omg you've gone all cutesy and adorable" haku shoves his muzzle under my top which caused me to let out a giggle as his fur tickled me "ha-haku stoooooppp your tickling me" I said through laughter as he lets out a cheeky growl "oh god dont you start" haku gets his head out from under my top and he playfully tickled my feet "no not the feet. Anything but the feet" I squealed "have fun with haku raven I cant help you. Sorry" we heard benji in the background as he started singing again "SEN HELP ME" I joked as I played dead "nope your on your own" she said "damn it" I sighed while laying on my back as haku lays on top of me "ughh you big heavy lump of fluffy handsomeness and and. Cuteness" I groaned as I raised my head right up and haku looks down at me as his pupils are still dilated which caused my dragon like eyes to become dilated "your pupils are dilated my love. I sensed that you were bored as you were yawning with a hint of tiredness as you wanting cuddles, and a bit of playing. looks like I managed to calm you down and tire you out. are you still a bit sleepy?" Haku lowers his head as he purred and nuzzles his face under my neck "yes" I yawned as haku yawned afterwards "alright. Get some sleep my love" haku speaks through my mind "you to hun. I love you" I said "I love you too" I heard a loud purr coming from him since his head was right next to me as I was underneath hakus dragon body by keeping me warm with his body heat as we both fell asleep while benji and sen continued doing whatever they were doing.

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