loyalty/ haku comes to the rescue

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Hakus pov
A few good months flew past since raven kicked sen out of the spirit world, yubabas been nice towards me and raven for a change since we both still own the bathhouse "hakuuuuuuuuuu" raven whines in my arms as she wags her dragon tail slightly while rubbing her face under my chin "yessssssssss" I copied "I'm boreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddd" she said "well I ain'tttttttttttttttttttttt" I pick raven up looking at her in the eyes, making her pupils dilate "your pupils are dilated" I pointed out while booping her nose with mine and kissing all over her dragon face causing her to purr happily while quickly moving her paws back and forth "still cute and still adorable as always" I smiled as ravens fur went all poofy "you look like those soot spirits" I chuckled "that's because I'm fluffy plus I have white fur not black fur" she said while putting her paws over my eyes "where am i" I heard raven giggling "your right in front of me since I'm still holding you in my arms" raven uncovers my eyes as she climbs up onto my shoulder, wrapping herself around my body as she rests her head on my shoulder near the crook of my neck snuggling into me.

"What do you wanna do" said raven while she stays in the same position as before, whilst walking around the bathhouse checking up on all the workers as usual "hey you two" me and raven look to our left seeing lin walking by "hey lin" me and raven say at the same time "how are yous" she said "we're good ain't we" I said while putting my finger over ravens dragon nose as she growls in agreement "that's great. where are you two heading" lin asks "just walking around the bathhouse, checking up on everyone" I said "nothing new then" lin says as she leans against the wall "yeah same crap different day. But I have raven keeping me company since shes my partner" I said while smiling at raven as she licks my cheek "aww I'm happy for ya both, plus I have a new little dope to talk to" lin says as she ruffles ravens muzzle as raven licks lins hand "I agree, you two girls already are getting along well anyway. But hey whenever yubaba wants me but just me on my own, at least I know your in safe hands. I'll just get lin to be with you while I'm out on a mission. plus you can talk to me telepathically in far distances" I explain "that's right and you don't have to worry about me" said raven "but when I'm out on a mission by myself. I always wish you were by my side" i kiss ravens muzzle as she rubs her face against my neck lovingly while licking my chin.

As lin went back to work, me and raven just finished working "can we go and visit your river. we haven't been there for a while" raven pointed out "that's a good idea, I was just thinking of that myself" I said while walking out of the bathhouse going towards my river. When we arrived, I gently pick raven up and put her down on the grass beside me as she looks up at me "what's up darling" I cooed while raven rubs herself against me, weaving in and out of my legs "your just too cuddly ain't you" I chuckled while looking down and stroking the side of her dragon face with my hand as she leans against my waist growling happily.

"just give me 1 minute while I get myself sorted" I smiled at raven as she lays down by my feet while I take my bathhouse uniform off and taking my flip flops off leaving me only in my shorts "come on it's a bit hot out here" I crouch down so I was sitting on the river edge putting my feet in the water. I gently slide down so I was standing in the water "just jump I'll catch you" I encourage raven to get on my chest "I'm a little scared" she said "your alright. remember the last time we went for a swim" I said "yeah but I have a fear of slipping and having the water going up my nose" she said as her fur went fluffy "alright bare with me for a second" I smiled as I ducked under water and turning into my dragon form.

I swam up to the surface poking my nose out of the water "I can see your nose moving about" raven giggles as I felt her nose touching mine, putting my head up "just hop on my back and keep a hold of me" raven climbs on my back as she puts her paws around my body with her head leaning against on top of mine just between my horns with her tail wrapped around my tail "do I need to hold my breath when we go under the water" raven questioned "no you'll be alright remember your a water dragon" I pointed out as I slowly went under the water with raven on my back "it's so beautiful underwater" raven telepathically talks causing me to smile "it is you can see all the fish" I replied back whilst slowly gliding through the water world.

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