haku steps in

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Ravens pov
"HEY THATS MINEEEEEE" I whined as I tried to get a hold of my favourite stuffed toy dragon by jumping in the air with my hands, trying to get my cuddly toy dragon back from one of the teenage workers "come on I'm not in the mood for this" I stopped jumping as the teasing continues "if you want it come and get it. Lizard" one of the workers said as he throws my stuffed toy dragon across the room as one of the other workers caught it "it's not fair" I said feeling defeated as I accidentally tripped over my tail when I went to run, landing face first on the ground since I was in my semi dragon form. Plus I'm short and the workers are taller than me, until one of the workers threw the toy again landing in hakus grip which causes the workers to freeze immediately.

I felt scared and embarrassed from the fall by quickly sitting up, tucking my knees close to my chest as I grabbed my tail, cuddling into It for comfort as haku walks in the room standing behind me "that is enough. I don't appreciate any of yous teasing my partner like that. yes shes short and you teens are taller than her. but doing stuff like this is unacceptable behaviour. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR" haku growled as he picks me up and I wrap my arms around him, gripping onto his white kimono whilst I buried my face into his chest "yes master haku" the workers bow as they felt guilty "now get back to work. The lot of you. You should be ashamed of yourselves and you should grow up. your not in nursery" haku snarled as he walks away with me in his arms.

When we got away from the workers by going outside in the garden, haku gently sits down with me still clinging onto him "you're alright sweetheart, It's okay" haku tries to calm me down by rocking back and forth slowly as he keeps me close to him "where were you. The second you were there beside me and as soon as I turned my head, you were gone. I was really worried, I was looking everywhere" I sobbed quietly, curling my tail around hakus leg as he cups my face with his hands as he looks at me by lifting my head up for me to look at him in the eyes "one of the teenage workers took my stuffed dragon. The one that you bought for me for Christmas. They took it out of my grasp and they were running away. so I ran chasing after them, trying to get it back and thats when they started throwing it around whilst I was trying to get it back, then I tripped over my own tail embarrassing myself" tears began to run down my cheeks "that's harsh" haku growled in anger as he puts his forehead against mine "I won't let them tease you again. I promise" haku sighs as I nodded wiping my tears with his kimono sleeve "come on. Dry those pretty little eyes of yours. I don't wanna see you cry" haku hugs me as he slowly stands up while I rest my head on his shoulder and gripping onto my stuffed toy dragons tail.

Hakus pov
I can't stand any of the workers teasing raven like that especially the teenager workers. Yes shes the lady of the bathhouse since I'm the master of the bathhouse and yubabas apprentice, but nobody cant stand my serious behaviour, when I mean business I mean it "hey raven, haku" I stopped walking as me and raven looked to the side seeing lin and sen walking towards us "hey lin" raven sighed feeling fed up "what's wrong with raven" said sen "another load of teasing again from a few teen workers" I huffed "what again" lin said as she raises one eyebrow with her arms crossed "yeah. Luckily haku stepped in on time" raven rubs her eyes "I can tell you've been crying since your eyes are a bit puffy" said lin "yeah she's been quite sensitive recently because of the teasing" raven turns into her dragon form as she digs her claws in to get a good grip on me so she wouldn't fall "you'll be alright you have us" lin said as she tries to make raven smile "feel free to kick their asses" raven chuckled "I doubt it. Besides yubaba will kill me" lin puts her hand on ravens muzzle as she walks past us with sen beside her "see you later" said raven as the two girls waved as me and raven head upstairs to the top floor.

As we were walking, a few young workers walked past us laying their eyes on us both as I saw them in the corner of my eye not turning around "back to work" I said coldly causing them to run away in fright "yeah go ahead and run" I scoffed while I opened our bedroom door, walking in the room and closing it behind "it's a bit warm in here" I said as raven jumps off of me and landing on the bed as she started ragging her stuffed toy "careful darling you dont want the stitching to come undone again" I said sitting on the bed beside her as she stopped ragging her favourite toy. Sitting herself up looking at me "I'm bored" raven sighed as she hits me on the back of my head with a pillow "h-hey" I giggled as I grabbed another pillow beside me, hitting raven back as she hits me again and I hit her again as it became a big pillow fight.

the dragon spirit Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora