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A few weeks has passed since me and haku escaped from yubabas trap "how are you two holding up since the incident" zeniba asks "we've been alright havent we" haku looks at me in the eyes while rubbing my back "yeah I've been more calmer and less panicky lately" I said as I looked at zeniba "I'm glad. your free to do whatever you want just be yourselves" we both looked at zeniba while she sits on her chair started to do some knitting with no face "but hey at least we don't need to work" haku says as he jumps in the air landing on a blow up mattress launching me to go flying in the air "haku you idiot" haku catches me as I giggled "well thank you for the flying lesson" I joked "your welcome" haku giggles like a little girl "what's so funny" I said while looking at his cheeky grin "oh nothing just find it really amusing that you've made two small holes in the ceiling when you went flying in the air" haku points up to the ceiling as I saw two holes on the ceiling "crap my horns" I face palmed sarcastically "what happened" zeniba says "this little evil swine made me go flying by jumping on the air mattress and I accidentally made two holes in the ceiling" I shown zeniba the two holes my horns made "oh my goodness I never knew you could fly that high" zeniba was shocked as laid my eyes on a giggly haku "I'm short and light and easily be shot in the air" I said as I made haku to stop laughing by kissing him "I'll get my own back for this" I said as my dragon tail brushed under hakus neck making him lean against my tail as the fluffy end touched his chin making haku fall flat on the ground "gorgeous isnt she" zeniba says "oh yes shes definitely beautiful and stunning" I heard zeniba and haku talking about me "I can hear ya you know" i said while walking in the living room leaning against the door frame "I've just spotted some snow outside" as soon as I said the word snow haku gets right up from the ground and bolts outside the door, fly jumping into the snow "he loves snow" zeniba mouths the words as I nod and smile.

As I got outside, I saw haku in his dragon form growling and purring very loudly happily rolling around in the snow "oh no where did haku go I cant see him" I joked as haku pops his head out from the snow looking at me very adorably with snow on his head, he commando crawls towards me so I walked right past haku until I stopped at a nearby tree. looking at it while waiting for him to pounce at me until he unexpectedly jumps from behind "mmmmmmmmmm GOTCHA" haku leaps right towards me as we rolled into the snow as we were play fighting by nibbling each others ears, legs, necks and tails. While we were playing, we saw zeniba watching me and haku playing and chasing each other in the snow "I got marshmallows and hot chocolate if any of you two young dragons want any" zeniba says as me and haku immediately sat our heads up from the snow and walked back to zenibas house.

We transformed into our human forms apart from me i went half human and half dragon so I had my horns and tail showing while drinking hot chocolate and marshmallows in front of the fire "I'm still freezing" I said as I caught a chill. I grabbed my tail using the fluffy end trying to warm myself up and haku immediately notices "here I'll get a blanket" haku stands up and goes into the guest room and comes back with a blanket, he kneels down next to me while putting the blanket over the both of us as haku picks me up and looks at me as my tail was dangling and wagging slightly "your so cute" haku cooes as he boops my nose causing me to rub my nose with my hands while haku puts me in front of him so I could lay my back against his chest. the warmth of the blanket and his body heat made me snuggle into him making my dragon instincts to kick in as i purr and growled happily in hakus arms making him smile "aww that's so sweet and my goodness look how fluffy your tail is" zeniba says as me and haku both looked at her as my tail was sticking out of the blanket slightly "I didn't want her to catch a cold" haku says while taking a sip of hot chocolate and I shoved a few small marshmallows in my mouth "I know it's gotten super soft recently. I feel like a baby bunny" i said while playing with the fluffy end of my tail "I could tell it was going to be cold" zeniba said as I nuzzled into hakus neck while rubbing my head against under his chin and he smiles and giggles slightly while doing the same "what are you up to" I said "oh nothing" he said as he went to kiss me I closed my eyes waiting for his lips to be against mine as It didnt come, instead I heard a loud nom.

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