mini argument, sleepy dragon

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Ravens pov
It was the next day I woke up with haku sleeping against my chest still in my dragon form. his arms were sprawled out as I watched his chest go up and down slowly as he breathes in and out, his hair was all over the place with drool coming out of his mouth as gentle snores came out so I gently woke him up by nudging his cheek slightly with a little bit of a blow of air through my nose to move his hair away from his eyes. Haku begins to twitch and stirr in his sleep while having a big stretch and rubs his eyes “good morning” he says as he yawns and ruffles my dragon face making me growl lowly “you slept well" I said “mhmmm" haku moans and nods still rubbing his eyes while I changed into my semi dragon form “how about you" haku said “I slept alright” I stretched my body with my dragon tail in the air while I yawned “that’s good" haku stands up and picks me up looking at me in the eyes “your such a cutie" he coos while I smiled and wag my tail slightly.
While we were waking up, lin comes in the room with mine and hakus breakfast “how'd you two sleep" lin asks “we slept good" haku says with a mouthful of food “good" lin says as she leaves the room. I sat down in front of my food slowly starting to eat it “what is this" I questioned in curiosity while smelling the food “ah you never had that before. it’s a Japanese type of cake thing it’s like a very thick pancake" I smiled as I started scoffing down the pancake “okkkayyy looks like somebody’s enjoying their breakfast” I looked at haku directly in the face giving him a confused look as he shuffles towards me, getting his thumb and wiping a bit of food from the corner of my mouth “you had some jam on the corner of your mouth" he said while licking it off causing me to go bright red and my fur on my tail went really fluffy.

making me bolt under the big blanket “aawwww your in a shy mood I see" i heard hakus footsteps come closer and i felt his hand touch my tail making me blush even more which caused me to squeak “your alright darling I didn’t mean to make you go all shy” he coos while he peeks under the blanket, joining me underneath “I’m a mucky pup" I whined “no your not. all messy foods tend to get on your lips. it happens to me as well" haku explains as he kisses my forehead. I laid on my side as haku blows raspberries on my belly making me giggle “theres my giggly happy dragon” haku giggles while I went into my full dragon form.
After breakfast, me and haku done our usual routines at work “ah good morning master haku and mistress” one of the workers greeted us. he bows and me and haku bows in return “morning. everything is looking good" haku said “yes sir we have 5 to 15 customers coming here for their usual daily routine this afternoon" one of the workers shows haku the list “ahh another busy schedule I see" haku looks at the checklist and gives the list back to the worker “I can tell one of them is a big one. We'll get lin to help with the big tub" haku explains as the worker bows and runs off.

Haku turns around to see my cheeks going pink “hey are you alright" haku puts his hands on my shoulders with his forehead against mine, I struggled to get a word out and I just nodded and whispered “I never got called mistress before" I said “oh don’t worry about that darling. remember we own this place and you will tend to get called mistress a lot as most of the workers call me master haku” I felt a bit better after haku comforts me “I’ll get used to it" I said while haku kisses me on the lips and we continued with our shift.

While we were on our shift, me and haku heard some arguing near the baths and we both saw lin trying to punch one of the workers as some of the female workers try to pry lin off of one of the Male workers “HEY THATS ENOUGH” we ran towards to the two workers, grabbing hold of the Male worker that tries to lunge at lin and I got in my dragon form pinning lin down on the ground with my body as some of the other female workers try to calm lin down “WHAT IS GOING ON HERE" hakus voice echoes through the bathhouse making everyone to go quiet “I told frog to go and put the warning signs up saying slippery surface. but he’s refusing to do that so I was having a go at him and then he was constantly complaining about it, and that’s how it got into this" I look at frog as haku grabs him by the back of frogs uniform, forcing him to stand up and went ballistic at him with gritted teeth “look here you bloody idiot. I want this place to be safe so none of the workers and the customers wouldn’t have an accident, now stop complaining and whining and GET BACK TO WORK" haku growls as I let lin go and lick her face apologetically “thanks for stopping me" lin says “oh your welcome. luckily we got here on time" I said as I walked towards to haku as he pinned frog against the wall still giving him a lecture “I am in charge remember” haku shows his teeth as his dragon instincts starts to kick in and I had to calm him down “NOW GET BACK TO WORK" haku let’s the worker go and pushes him forward as the worker runs off “God he’s such a prick" haku whispers while nuzzling into my fur “come on. let’s just chill" I said as I turned into my semi dragon form “yeah your right” haku holds my hand as we walked outside the bathhouse towards the usual spot where me and haku always go to.

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