treated like a mistress and a master

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Ravens pov
I woken up under hakus kimono, I stretched my dragon claws while yawning feeling sore still from the fight yesterday “morning my pretty little dragon" haku coos as he gently picks me up and cuddles me, making me purr and growl calmly “how you feeling" he asks while I turned into my semi dragon form “I'm alright but I’m still in pain" I said flopping my head on hakus chest “you’ll feel better in a few days” he says while I smiled lazily feeling tired still “I just want to sleep the pain away" i whined as i buried my head inside hakus kimono “I know you do darling. but I just want to make you feel comfortable” he said as my stomach growls unexpectedly “are you wanting breakfast, because I’m starving” haku says while smiling at me “yes please" haku gets himself off the bed while he carries me under his kimono keeping me warm since it’s a cold morning.
we went to the ground floor to go to the kitchen, loads of workers came up to haku wondering where I am so I popped my head out as my tail was wrapped around his leg still from last night “how are you feeling” the chef asks “I’m okay just sore” I replied “I’m glad your alright. lin told me about what happened” said the chef “yes she actually ripped chihiro’s eye out of its socket when I distracted chihiro. giving raven a chance to attack to get her to let go as she was ripping ravens fur and hair out of her skin" one of the female workers fainted and lin quickly catches her before she landed on the floor “my goodness that must've been very bad" he said “well I’m actually really proud of raven for doing that because she was struggling. she is strong dragon spirit and I have no clue how long it went for but however how long it lasted. she just striked like a praying mantis” haku says while stroking my forehead as the chef worker gives haku a basket full of food and a parcel that was filled with rice balls “thank you” haku says as he bows and walks up towards the elevator “get well soon" said the chef as he waves and I wave back.
When me and haku got back to our room, haku puts the basket of food down on the bed and he lays against the pillows with me still inside his kimono “here I bet your hungry since your in pain still, I put a strength spell and a health spell in it to build your strength up, and for your wounds to heal” I didn’t want to come out as I was too comfy so I just stuck my head out and haku lazily feeds me a rice ball “you happy in there” he said chuckling slightly while peeking inside the gap, seeing my eyeball “mhmm" I said while I ate my breakfast.
After we had breakfast i was in a clingy mood “I’ll be back in a second I’m just going to the toilet” haku takes his bathrobe off leaving him in his kimono, as he went in the bathroom and locked the door. i climbed off the bed, dragging hakus bathrobe against the floor With my hands as my tail just drags lazily on the wooden floor. i sat right in front of the door with my legs sprawled apart like a starfish, I began scratching and whimpering as my dragon instincts kicks in “I’ll be out in a sec darling” he said as I turned into my dragon form, sitting in front of the bathroom door with hakus bathrobe in my claws. sniffing and snuggling into his bathrobe purring and growling happily and loudly causing me to lay on my back sprawling all over as his scent was on his bathrobe.
When I waited for haku to come out, he came out looking down at me as I looked up at him “what are you doing darling. I’m guessing your in a clingy mood” haku picks me up gently as I lay under his arm with his bathrobe in my claws “mhmm" I said while snuggling into his chest “I heard you purring and growling really loudly” he said while stroking the side of my face “yes I was constantly sniffing and rolling around into your bathrobe as it had your scent on it” I said as I moved my tail slightly, making the fluffy end curl as my tail was in a S shape “let me guess. I smell good then” haku joked as we both giggled slightly “oh come on you always have a mixture of that cherry blossom smell with lavender” I said while haku sits on the bed with me tucked under his arm “true. you know I love my cherry blossoms” he smiled “I know. your always turning into your dragon form, rubbing your body against the cherry blossoms in the tree" I said as I turned into my semi dragon form “that’s definitely true and surprisingly I actually done that this morning" haku turns into his dragon form nuzzling his face in my hands, growling lowly causing me to put my hands on his muzzle as I rub his forehead against mine.
While haku was in his dragon form, i couldn’t stop cuddling into him. when I was laying my head against hakus side since my back was laying against hakus body, he starts licking my cheek “I love you too” i said while smiling as my tail starts to move. making my eyes dilate “ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhh noooooooo you don’t” haku stops me as I was about to chase my tail by putting his dragon paws over my waist “awwww please" I whined as haku shakes his head “nope. your going to be in pain if you do that" I gave up and huffed flopping my head down “don’t you ughhhhh at me” haku joked as his sassiness makes me giggle “fine" I huffed while rolling my eyes “I wouldn’t do that if I were you" haku puts his head down on the bed right beside me “why" I scoffed “because otherwise I would do this" haku puts his head up and starts attacking me by constantly licking my face.

the dragon spirit Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora