eggs and hatchlings

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Hakus pov
A few more months passed, ravens belly has officially gotten a lot more bigger. We've been going toing and throwing between the bathhouse and zenibas "my goodness your about to pop" said zeniba as raven smiled in her dragon form "I know. I struggle to stand and move because of this" raven sighed "that's why I'm here" I said while I gently put my hands under ravens belly and slowly lifted her up so she can stand and walk "look at you two. Waddling like penguins" zeniba chuckled "I have a feeling that I might give birth anytime from now. Can't we go to your river and get prepared" raven looks at me feeling concerned "of course darling. Good thing I already packed this morning while you were asleep" I said while reassuring her "how are we going to get to your river?" Raven asked "you can't ride on my back since we dont want the motion to make you feel ill but also we dont want the eggs to come out while were in flight so looks like it'll be the train" I explained "good point" she said as she smelt the air "I can smell food" ravens ears perked up as she tries to stand up "I knew you were going to notice that" zeniba chuckled as she heads into her kitchen and puts some oven gloves on "what have you made?" I said as raven shuffles around on the floor "come here let me help you up" I stood behind raven with my body bent forward and I carefully lift ravens hips up so she can move "lead the way darling" I said as raven headed towards the kitchen.

"I made a few cookies" said zeniba as raven went to grab one from the tray but zeniba swiped ravens paw "ah ah they're hot dear" raven gave a disappointing drowl as she sits down on the floor right beside me and rubs her head against me "but I've got cravings" ravens ears went flat as she huffed "I know love but we have to wait until the cookies are cooled down" I said while stroking the side of her dragon face. Getting a loud purr coming from her as usual "waiting is boring though" she said "true but we can think of something to keep ourselves busy while we wait" I said as raven stands up and waddles into the living room. She slowly lays down in front of the fire as I sat down beside her, she sprawles all over me putting her head on my lap as she nuzzles into my hands and puts her forehead against my chest "cookies are done and cool enough to eat" zeniba offers us a cookie each as we took one but raven took 4 instead "what did you put in these?" I said while taking a bite "chocolate and raisin" zeniba smiled "these are so good" raven purred as she took another two from the plate "save some for the journey love" I chuckled "take them away from me then. If you can" raven smirked "fine. Yoink" I took the two cookies away from raven and put them back on the plate and she tried to fight with me trying to get the cookies back but zeniba stopped her by taking the plate of cookies away "hey" raven huffed "have some of these" I offered raven some fruit as I had a mixture of berries in a tub "these look good" raven let's out a happy curious growl as she started eating some of the berries.

Once raven had her fill of food, zeniba packed the food in a travel bag that we can take with us. I picked raven up gently and put her in a sling so shes comfortable "why put me in a sling?" Raven looks at me confused "because i don't want you feeling sore while we walk to the train stop" I said "alright" raven smiled as she moves about in the sling so she can get comfortable.

"Are you two ready to go" zeniba said while we stood outside her house "yes. Hopefully we will see you once our hatchlings are born" I said happily as we waved goodbye to zeniba and no face "have a safe journey" she said "we will" raven growled happily. When we got to the train stop to wait, raven started nibbling my fingers and grabbing hold of my hand with her paws "you alright darling?" I asked "yep just wanting some scratches" she said as I brushed my fingers under her chin and started scratching her. I heard purring coming from her as she nuzzles into my hand, licking my fingers "you seem really chilled out" I chuckled "yeah I am but also tired" raven stretched her body and yawned "I can tell since your struggling to walk and getting up especially with that bump of yours" I said "carrying eggs isn't easy. Especially for me" raven sighed as she growled quietly in pain so I gently rubbed ravens belly to ease it "your doing really well beautiful" I said proudly as I kissed ravens muzzle "thank you" she said.

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