Chapter Fourty-Six.

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Harry and I later discussed that night that the next day we would tell my family about the wedding and my pregnacy on Skype. Telling my family I was pregnant over Skype is not how I wanted it to be announced. But then again, Harry finding out about the affair as Niall practically forced himself into my ass wasn't how I planned it either. The universe was pissed off at me and was not afraid to show me just how pissed. Laying in bed that night, Harry laid on my stomach with his arms wrapped tightly around me. "This way I know you won't sneak away to see that fucking bastard." He stated. "I don't want to see him, Harry." I told him as the events from early replayed in my mind. "Before we get married you are going to have to learn to lie better." Harry said grabbing my chin and turning my face towards his, "I know you want to see him and let me say this, sweetheart. If you so much as sneak, gaze, text, Skype, whatever with him, once our children are born I will 1) take you to court for them, 2) tell the entire world what a slut you were for cheating on me and 3)well let's hope we won't get to that stage." My bottom lip trembles as I play out everything he just said. I could see magazines with my face and name plastered across it calling me the 1D whore! The bitch that broke precious Harry Styles heart. The stank that broke up 1D, the girl who fucked them both and got Niall beat up in a alley in France.Why couldn't anyone see that I never wanted any of this to happen? Laying my head against the headboard I start to think how I never understood how someone could cheat, I always found it cowardly and selfish. I would find those people disgusting and say how they will get what the deserve in the end. How someone will come along and cause then pain ten times more painful then the one they inflicted upon the person the cheated on. Well, seeing Niall laying on the ground, bleeding was the most painful feeling I have ever felt. I caused it, we caused it. If only I knew how to break free from him this would have never happened. Niall would be unharmed and Harry would still be a member of One Direction.

I honestly never meant for anyone to get hurt. Yes, I knew my actions would cause someone pain, should we get caught. But, I can't fight this urge that I feel with Niall. This unbelievably strong unbreakable urge. Connection if you will. We've been friends for a while, that connection was already there. How we share things with each other that we can't share with anyone else. How, Niall can just look at me and I know exactly what he is thinking without saying a word to me. How, just from one look from those eyes all my fears, anxieties fade away. He does things Harry can not. And Harry does things to me that Niall can not. But lately, everything Harry does...does nothing for me.

Sexually that is.

He's kisses still make me weak.

But so does Niall.

Harry's touch sends shock waves throughout my body, rocking me to my core.

So does Niall.

Harry's smile gives me butterflies in my stomach.

Niall does too.

I could go on and on about the Pros of them both and it does nothing for me. They each make me feel the same way! While they are both romantic and charming. They are equally flawed. Flaws I never noticed before until now. Maybe I had my rose tinted glasses on and other looked it? But they are both jealous, possessive and.. Dare I say..abusive? I mean, Niall did force me into sex twice. One in the bathroom and in the alley. He threw a plate at me and threw me against a wall. But he was angry. I'm sure he didn't mean it. Just like Harry didn't mean to call me a slut, he's just still angry.

I love them both. I want them both. But if I go to Niall, Harry will destroy me and take my babies. But I do want to make sure Niall is OK. I have to apologize for what Harry did. What I did. I let him believe the babies are his. Well they maybe his but we won't know for sure for quite sometime but he deserves an apology. I know Harry will never give it to him so I will have too. But how?

Just when all hope is lost, an idea comes to me. I reach over to the nightstand and find a book full of businesses. I look for flowershops and find a twentyfour hour one. Giving gratitude to my French teacher in my mind, I request flowers to be sent to Niall's room. When they ask if I want an inscription written om the card I tell them just write "I'm sorry. Our week may have been cut short. But my love for you is everlasting. Goodbye, Forever your, Shi." They say they will have it shipped out first thing in the morning. Thankfully, Harry won't come across it. I hang the phone up and wiggle down into the bed and Harry's tight grasp and exhale. I let the heaviness of my eyelids droop and allow exhaustion to set in. And let the night take me away to a well need deep sleep.

Consequences *Harry Styles&Niall Horan fanfic*  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now