Chapter Fifty Two

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Since Harry and I made up things have gotten alot better. We were sleeping together, kissing, having a ton of sex and planning our wedding. It was as if the last few months never even happend. It was perfect. And for the first time in a long time. Niall has not popped up in my mind or my dreams. The void was still there but he was slowly diminishing away and as much as it hurt, it was necessary. Today I had  finishes up my fitting for my dress as well as my bridesmaids gowns for my sisters. As the big day approached I was getting more and more excited. Everything was going off perfectly. "You are going to look stunning on your big day," stated Harry's sister and my soon to be sister in law, Gemma. I'm not one for complaiments but this time. I had to agree, I looked beautiful. I had this dress planned out since I saw it in a dream and knew that it was the one. I was equally excited that my favorite wedding designer Vers Wang, could make her into a reality for me. With my growing baby bump she made it so well that you couldn't even tell I was pregnant. "Thanks Gemma. I can't believe it, it looks so wow. " I replied with a laugh.

"My brother won't know what hit him." She said smiling at me. After the finishing touches were done on my dress. I left Gemma at the store so I could go pick up something to eat at the local restaurant down the street. A pregnant women is not much help when she is starving. Hell I could barely think straight. When I arrived the owner recognized me right away from all the news coverage about my pregnancy and wedding that I was seated right away. I order chicken strips and fries and devoured it right away. My cravings were out of control that I ended up ordering another plate. As I was eating Harry sent me a text message telling me how sexy he looked in his tux and how I would attack him the second I saw him. I replied back that no, he would attack me once he saw me in my dress because of how gorgeous I looked. He texted back in that I look gorgeous everyday. I smiled and went back eating. I was so happy, life was going exactly as planned. I overcame such hardship and I was finally living the life I wanted. I was--


I bring my inner monologue to a screeching halt and turn around.

"Hi shi."


Oh shit. Here we go again.

Consequences *Harry Styles&Niall Horan fanfic*  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now