Chapter Fifty One.

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I cried writing this scene. I hope you do too.

The ride from the E! News studio was a treacherous one. On screen we seemed like one big happy in love couple. When in reality we were again but. We fought daily behind closed doors that resulted in constant tears, hurtful words spewed out, malicious threats. The works. You would think two people who fought relentlessly would call off their engagement but Harry refused to do that. He maintained that he has an image to uphold, that he is Harry Styles, Harry Styles does not get dumped. Harry Styles does not get cheated on. Harry Styles does not lose. And Harry Styles sure as hell does not lose a girl to Niall Horan.

He said he still loves me and at times I believe him. I see the love we shared for one another sparkle behind his eyes when we're in public putting on a show for cameras and photographers. I see it, it is there. But..feeling it, is something else. I still love him. That hasn't changed. I would try to kiss him to show him that I do but he'd turn the other way. I'd go to hold him and he'd move away. We barely sleep in the same bed anymore. We're not even married yet and were already off to an awful start. But I have no one to blame but myself for giving into my desires. But I'm trying to make it right. I haven't seen nor spoken to Niall since I left him in the hospital room and vowed to give my relationship with Harry my undying devotion and time to reconstruct it. As well as regaining Harry's trust. "Well, I must say you protrayed a happy, faithful fiancée for the cameras. They really believe that we're in love." Harry said heartlessly as the limo came to a stop at a red light. I look away from the window and at him. "I wasn't protraying anyone, Harry. You know that I love you. Why cant you just let me prove it? You're really willing to marry me next month and repeat vows with haterd in your heart towards your new wife and mother to your kids? Is that how you really want to begin your new life with me? With us?" I question him while rubbing my belly. Harry looks down at my belly and he's eyes soften. I take it as a sign that I am getting through to his brick wall that he has built up around me since that day in the alley and I continue on. "Sweetheart, I know what I did was wrong. I'll never forgive myself. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't love you both." I see the anger boil back up in his eyes as his body tenses up. I rush to grab his hand and hold it in my own "But, I'm with you now. I want to marry you. I want to raise the babies with you."

Harry sighs and overlaps my hand with his other one. He waits for a moment and raises his right hand to cup my cheek. I let my head fall into his palm and I smile. For a brief moment its just like old times. Like the old Harry has returned. "What if he comes back? What if your feelings return for him? Will you cheat on me again?"

Grabbing his hand I hold it and flatten it out before I cover it in a dozen kisses. I look up at Harry to see him watching me with the look of pure love. The look he use to give me. And recently, the look Niall also gave me. Adverting my eyes quickly I shut them and wait for Niall to pass from my mind. This isn't about Niall. This is about Harry.

This is about saving my relationship that I destroyed. I have to do what is right. I hurt him I owe it to him to make this work. I love him. I loved him first. He proposesd because his heart chose me to love him unconditionally. He trusted me with it and I ruthlessly took it and put it through a blender and mushed it up like it was nothing important. As if it was a toy, I played with it. I selfishly placed my needs, my love for Niall before my love for Harry. And that was wrong. It was unfair. I admitted it long ago as I walked away from him, that I loved Niall. I wanted him. I flipped flopped back and forth and back and forth but deep down. In the cervices of my soul. I knew that while I loved Harry and he is my first love.

Niall is my soulmate.

My soul and his are drawn together by some unseen force. I dont know what, but I believe that maybe we were together in a past life but as much as it killed me to leave him. To walk away from him as he cried out and begged me not to leave him! I knew I had to do what's right by Harry. I hurt him far too much, I couldn't bear the thought of causing him anymore agony. I chose Niall one too many times.

This time. I would chose Harry.

"No, sweetheart. I will not cheat on you. That was a...idiotic mistake on my behalf. I can assure you, it will not happen again." Harry stares into my eyes and I see that for the first time in a while, he believes me." I love you Ashanti. I'm sorry for the awful things I said have to put yourself in my place. My best friend and my fiancée? hurt. I have never loved anyone like I love you. No one makes me feel the way you do. I've waited so long for someone to come into my life and make me believe that..that love really. TRULY. Existed and that I deserved it. That I was worthy of it. And you came and suddenly, I feel everything I once never knew I could feel. I'm thinking about you everyday, I'm smiling for no reason, I'm carrying around the airplane necklace you got me from the bubblegum machine and the twelve dozen bracelet you made me." He chuckles and I reciprocate the action and twirl the bracelets on his wrist, " I'm not the type of guy who does these things, Ashanti. But I am for you."


"I'm the guy who watches you sleep peacefully beside me in my shirt, I'm the guy who watched all six seasons of Sex and the City because I saw how happy you got discussing how Carrie got the guy in the end. I'm the guy who spent three weeks learning to polish nails and do a fishtail braid for you when you broke your wrist. That's the guy I am. That's the boyfriend I am. And I'll do way more to be the perfect husband to you and father to our children. Because, you've shown me that love really exist. Your my miracle. Let me be yours. Please. Let me be yours."

Wiping my tears away I climb onto his lap and hold his face in between my hands and say "You are mine. You are." Harrys beautiful eyes begin to tear up as we embrace each other and promise to move forward in our relationship. I say a silent heartfelt apology to Niall in my soul. If we truly are soulmates, right than and there I swear he heard it because it feels as though, while my heart has mended from Harry, my soul has now been crushed by Nialls pain of losing me. And i, losing him.

Consequences *Harry Styles&Niall Horan fanfic*  COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora