Chapter Eight

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After wiping myself clean and tossing away my ripped tights I left the bathroom and returned to my seat, followed Harry. Niall still sitting in his seat casted me a look of disgust and something else I could not put my finger on. Shrugging I ask him what is wrong but all I received back was a shake of his head and getting up to sit in a seat opposite of me and turning his back towards me.

"Niall, what is your problem?" I ask.

"I'm going to sleep, Ashanti." And that was the end of the discussion. I stared at his back in confusion til I finally turned my attention up to the ceiling and went to sleep

What seemed like forever we finally land in Italy. As soon as my feet touch the Italian soil, my tourist side comes out and I begin to snap away.

"Your taking pictures of your feet?" Zayn asked

"I'm taking pictures of everything." Zayn calls me a weirdo and we walk to the awaiting limo and climb inside. As the chair begins to move I receive an incoming message on my cell. I unlock my phone and see it is from Niall. I look over at him and he loves at me to my cell as if asking me to read it. Looking away I open it.

"I'm sorry I was a jerk." It read. Scoffing I text back.

"Then why were you?" Moments later Niall responds

"It's nothing. I'm over it."

"I can't get over it. I want to know why? Did I do something?"

"No, Shi. Its me. You've done nothing. I can't explain it, I just can't lose you as my friend."

"Why would you lose me?"

Niall doesn't respond. I look over to see him staring blankly into his phone. Giving him a slight nudge does he snap out of it to send me on last reply "I'm over it." Tossing my phone back into my bag I rest my hands on the seat. Niall puts his phone in his bag and rests his hands at his side also. Our pinkies are inches away from each other when Niall moves his in a slow motion over mine. Its such a innocent move but one half of me feels a surge of energy from it. Fighting the urge to look over at him i look straight ahead at the beautiful buildings as we passed them.

Before we left I was so excited to see them yet, I was more excited about this game Niall and I were playing with our pinkies. I'm not supposed to be, he's my best friend. But when he moves his hand slowly closer to mine, I turn my hand over and he places his over mine and we interlace our fingers. We showed no emotions, didn't look at each other so none would be the wiser. Even though we could feel the heat eminenting between us. I was holding the hand of someone who wasn't my boyfriend.

And I liked it.

A lot.

Consequences *Harry Styles&Niall Horan fanfic*  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now