Chapter Fourty-Four

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Niall pulls out of me and redoes his pants. He adjustes himself as I lower down and buttons my pants. "Harry this-this isn't what it looks like."

"Really?" Harry says forceful "Cause it looks like my fiancee was getting fucked in her ass in a fucking alley!"

"I didn't fuck her yet, you came and ruined it." Niall says jokingly as he leans against the wall and places his foot against it. In a instant Harry walks over to Niall and hits him in one hit sending Niall falling to the ground, holding his gushing nose. "HARRY!" I scream, rushing to his side I grab his outstretched arm to stop him from hitting Niall again. "STOP! STOP ITS NOT WORTH IT!" Harry's head spins around so fast and his eyes shoot into me like draggers, " Not worth it? Not worth it?! HES WAS TRYING TO FUCK YOU!"

"IVE BEEN FUCKING HER, MATE!" Niall yells from the ground below as he pushes up. He's once white T-shirt is splattered with blood. Uh oh, you better get Harry away before Niall spills all your indiscretions my subconscious says as she guesters to me to go away. "What?" Harry says confused, "What do you mean, you've been fucking Ashanti?"

"Harry, Harry. Let's get out of here. Its nothing, its lies. Its all lies." I stummer as I try to pull him away. If I can just get him away from all this, he can go on hating Niall and believing that this was a one time thing. That when hr heard Niall say I've been fucking him, he'd think it was a one time thing. Nothing too serious. And we can continue on with our life as an engaged happy couple. Are you hearing yourself right now? You sound so fucking stupid. Did Niall fuck what's left of your senses out? Cause we know Harry hasn't OH MY GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP!

"Ashanti, what does he mean?" Harry askes, bringing me back to my present mind. I look him in the eyes and open my mouth to speak. To say anything but the truth. But nothing comes out, lies or truth. Nothing comes out. "ASHANTI!"

I jump out of my skin when Harry yells at me sending me falling back onto my ass in the pavement and holding my sobs in with my hand. "Oh god." Harry mummers. He shakes his head from side to side as if it was a Etech A Sketch and trying to erase the things that has been revealed to him but failing miserably. "Tell him about the babies." Niall says with a shit eating grin across his face. Harry' turns to Niall and back to me. With tears rollimg down my eyes I crawl over to him and try to hold him in my arms. Release some of the pain that all this has caused him. And shockingly, he let's me. Harry let's me hold him.

"I'm sorry." I cry into his neck "I'm so sorry. I never met for it to happen I swear, please believe me." For a while Harry remains quiet. I shift my attention to Niall and see him watching us in disbelief.

Yeah I know this isn't the outcome you wanted but I made too many mistakes, this has gone on for far too long. This is the end. You've said that before bitch. This time I mean it. "I know, you didn't" Harry finally says. I pull back and look at him in confusion. He believes me? Oh then he's about as dumb as you.

"I know you never met for it to happen. Its all Niall's fault." Harry says standing up and taking me with him. He looks at Niall before swing his leg back and kicking him in the face. "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY FIANCÉE AND CHILD, YOU SICK FUCK!" Niall lays on the ground coughing up blood. I watch in horror as Niall rolls over and coughs. Against my better judgment I try to walk over to comfort him but Harry stops me. "Do you love me or him?"

Both of you

"You." I say ignoring the bitch in my head.

"Than leave him. I'll call someone to see to him. You and I are going back in the hotel, look  at the ultrasound DVD, pick names and plan our wedding." Harry says trying to pull me away.

"But what will the media say? When word gets out about Niall."

Harry looks back at Niall on the ground, "Let them say what they want. From here on. I'm leaving One Direction."



"I refuse to work anywhere near that bloody asshole. Do you hear me? I'm leaving the band." Can you hear that? That's the sound of every directioner coming after you. The girl that broke up One Direction.

Consequences *Harry Styles&Niall Horan fanfic*  COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें