Chapter Eleven

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I turn away from him and slowly make my way out of the car with Niall close behind me. The crowd keeps yelling and pushing and I am being thrown from side to side as girls try to grab the guys. I yell for Harry or Zayn who always protect Niall and I during these things because were both the smallest but they are so far up that we are left to fin for ourselves like goldfish in a sea of piranhas.

As the crowd pushes closer my anxiety starts up andeverything is moving at a hundred miles per hour and my chest gets heavy and vision gets blurry. I stop and try to catch my breath when I feel a hand grab mine and squeezes it  "Just look down and walk." Niall advises me leaning in my ear. He has one hand holding mine and another on the small of my back as we make our way through the crowd.

Once were safe inside, Niall holds my face between his hands "Shi, Shi shh. Its OK. Look in my eyes. Just look in my eyes." Looking into his ice blue eyes instantly relaxs me. During one of my most traumatic attacks in Toyko when the crowd broke free, I looked had a severe attack and Harry was back at the hotel resting. It was just Niall, Louus, Zayn, Niall's cousin and I. No one knew how to relax me before I passed out. Niall said the first thing that came into his head. "Look in my eyes." And when I did, I saw

everything from a clear blue sky to clear blue waters.

"Good, Shi. Are you OK?"

"Thank you" I said slowing my breathing down "Thank you for saving me."

"I would never let any harm come to you, Shi. You know that."

He moves his hands from my face to my hands. Instead of taking them into his own, he hooks his pinky through mine. His eyes never leave mine even when Harry runs over to me.

"Baby! Oh my god. Are you OK?" I look over to Harry who looks so scared and nearly in tears. He pulls me into a hug even with Niall's pinky latched onto mine. I assure him that I am fine and how Niall was such a good friend for coming to my rescue.

"Oh man, Niall. Thank you so much for protecting my baby. I tried to get to her but Paul told me to keep me walking."

"Its OK." Niall said still looking at me "I wouldn't let anything happen to Shanti."

Harry thanks me again and tells me to come on. Throwing an arm around my waist causing Niall and is pinky to unlatche I walk away from him. Casting a look over my shoulder I look back at him and see Niall looking at me and rubbing his pinky. I turn back around and rub my own as we turn the corner.

Consequences *Harry Styles&Niall Horan fanfic*  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now