Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"I never knew that there was a such thing called a Mac and Cheese pizza?" Niall said staring at the plate in front of me that I order from room service.It looks utterly disgusting but for some reason I have an urge for Mac and cheese as well as pizza. Luckily for me, the hotel could put two and two together to create what I am guessing is my first pregnancy craving. I pick up a piece and bite into it. "Well? How is it?" Niall asks with his face scrunched up in disgust and confusion. Holding my hand up, I swallow and lick my lips in pure satisfaction. "I know I should be disgusted by this. But its literally the best thing I have ever tried." I reply back with a hint of a laugh as I reach for the small bowl of ranch dressing and pouring it over the Mac and cheese and taking another bite. I hold it up to Niall urging him to take a bite. "Nuh uh. That's looks vile! I'm not eating that!" He retrots pushing it away from his mouth and settling for his plate of fries and a burger. Shrugging him off I continue eating, "Fine but you don't know what your missing." Taking a bite I moan loudly. Niall's eyes widen abd he wipes his mouth. "I gotta say I'm hurt. You never moan that loudly when I'm inside of you. A damn disgusting pizza gets a bigger reaction out of you than my dick." Opening my mouth I flash him my chewed up food and he laughs it off. Standing up I reach over for another napkin when Niall takes the opportunity to kiss my stomach again. I pause and look down at him. "That's your tenth time kissing my tummy." I tell him pulling back and sitting back down.

Taking a sip of his drink and shrugs, "I can't help it. I'm going to be a daddy. Its the greatest news I've ever heard. I always wanted to be a father." Scooting closer he grabs my legs and swings them over his legs and pulls me onto his lap. Wrapping his arms around me he lightly kisses my shoulder and looks at me. "Having a baby with the girl who runs through my head as I sing Night Changes, Scotholm Syndrome is all I could ever ask for. You have no idea how much joy this gives me, Ashanti."

"You called me Ashanti. You never call me by my name."

"I've never been in love either. The first of many I will experience today." He tells me pushing my hair behind my ear.

"What's the other first?"

Niall looks around and takes a napkin ring of the napkin and grabs my other hand and places it on my right hand ring finger.

"Marriage.Marry me, Ashanti."

Consequences *Harry Styles&Niall Horan fanfic*  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now