Chapter Fifty-Seven.

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This chapter is short for a reason.

Two hundred and eighty seven times is the number of times ive heard people tell me, Harry's parents and sister how sorry they were for our lost. Three hundred glares passed my way with looks of remorse, and the same amount of whispers about how tragic it was that he died before he could meet our daughters and how we were only married six months. "What will she do now? She can't raise two babies alone." I heard a few whisper under their breath. It took all my strength to not yell at the them and tell them to take their sympathy and shove it up their ass. I know its tragic! I know my husband won't see our girls. I've had nightmares about them never attending a daddy daughter dance, telling them how their father was a member of the greatest boy band, showing them videos of their father during concerts, music videos. I played Girl Almighty for them and they moved around wildly. I don't know if Harry is the father but a part of me hope he isn't...least than their daddy will still alive. Should Harry actually be the father...I'm not looking forward to that day when they ask"Where's our daddy, mommy? Our friends have daddies, why don't we?" The funeral was beautiful. Sweet and simple. Pictures of Harry played on a overheard along with videos of him. Fans crowed the streets of London and sung Night Changes holding up pictures of him. Louis, Liam, Zayn and even Niall spoke. Ed Sheeran played a beautiful song on his guitar. I was asked to to speak but I couldn't find the words to convey my emotions. What do you say when the last words your husband said to you were fucking bitch after discovering you were cheating? So all I could say was I missed him before breaking down in tears. The guys carried the casket out to the car and to the gravesite.

After the priest blessed Harrys casket I laid a single red rose on top  and silently in my head tell him I love him and I'll always remember him and say a million sorrys for our fight. "Goodbye Sweetheart." I say in a quivering voice. Stepping back I watch my husband get lowered six feet into the ground as my daughters kick me rapidly.

"I know. I know babies. Me too." I cry "I'll miss him too."

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