Chapter Fifty-Six.

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I wake up later in a hotel lobby with a throbbing headache. What was I doing here? What happened? Did something happen to my daughters? I touch my stomach and am kicked right away bringing my nerves to a stop. I sit up quickly and am grabbed by my shoulder. "Hey." I turn around and see Niall.


"You fainted. Harry's in the ER. They said he ran a red hit by a passing car and flipped over...." Niall said. I feel sick to my stomach as my mind plays what that must have been like for Harry. He left in a fit of rage because of me, he was in a accident because of me. All of this was because of me. I sink into my seat and try to calm my anxiety down. "This is our fault Niall...he caused this."

"No. We caused nothing. We didn't ask to fall in love. I won't feel guilty for loving you, Shi."

"Harry is laying on a operating table. How the hell can you not feel guilty?" I asked turning my body towards his and look at him.

"Because a love like ours is real. I will do anything to hold on tight to that. As should you."

The doors to the hallway up and we all turn to see the doctor. I stand up and walk over to him. "How is he?"

"Are you family?"

"We all are. But she's his wife. His mother and father are flying out now." Liam tells the doctor. He faces at all of us but settles his gaze onto me.

"He has a collasped lung. A concession. And lost a lot of blood. We've done all we can. But whether he pulls through.. Is up to Harry."

"Can I see him? Please." I beg the doctor. He hesitates for a moment before saying yes. He takes me back and tells me I can stay for awhile but not to long. I walk into the room and I feel like I've been punched in the stomach. My husband.. The father of my daughters lays in a hospital bed with wires and EKG machine beeping, ventilaters going on. "Harry." I sob heavily as I walk over to him. I want to touch him but I'm afraid of where to lay my hands, I'm afraid I'll touch something and...I'll kill him. I don't know if he knows I'm here but I need him too. I lower my head to his and whisper in his ear. "Baby. I'm here. I'm here." Slowly rising up I see his eyes flicker. Gasping I stifle a small laugh and smile. "Harry. Harry babu hi. Oh my god baby I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I swear I'll leave Niall. Well go away. It'll be us and Anna and Elsa. I promise. I promise baby." I repeat over and over. Harry slowly moves his head towards me and lifts his finger slowly. I look from him to his finger and try to decipher what he is trying to tell me. He points to my stomach. "The babies? You want to touch the babies? OK." I carefully place his hand to my stomach and watch as a tear falls from his eyes. I hold onto his hand and sniff back my own. "Harry."

Harry's eyes slowly droop shut and he's hand goes limp underneath mine. "Harry?" The EKG machine goes flat and my eyes go wide. I shake his hand "Harry? Harry!" Letting his hand go it falls down beside the bed. Not worrying about the wires or anything I grab his shoulders and shake him. " HARRY!!" HARRY WAKE UP!!! HARRY!!!"

Suddenly everything moves at fast pace. Doctors, nurses all rush inside and work on Harry as I watch in the corner. I promise to god to not take him from me. Our daughters aren't here yet, weve only been married for six months. He can't leave me yet. He has to be there for our daughters birth, watch them walk, talk, laugh. He has to be here.

He has to be.

"Call it." The doctor says. "11:11pm" he turns to me and lowers his head. "I'm sorry Mrs. Styles."

Holding back my tears I bit my lower lip and look down at my stomach. Holding onto my girls the kick in a frenzy. They know...they're daddy is gone...

Consequences *Harry Styles&Niall Horan fanfic*  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now