Chapter Twelf.

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After a short drive, we arrive at the frat house, where the party is. When Kyle drives up the driveway I see a large decorated house and lots of people outside. He parks the car and again Kevin opens the door for me like a true gentleman. Trish laughs and says "Show off." to Kevin. Kevin grins at Trish and slams the car door right in her face. He takes my hand and we walk into the house together. Trish and Kyle walk behind us. This is a huge party there is loud music and people everywhere. Trish takes over and leads us while dancing through the crowd to the living room. When we walk into the living room my heart leaps at the sight of Justin. Trish introduces me to everyone, but my thoughts are elsewhere. Justin is sitting on the couch with a girl on his lap who is barely wearing any clothes. She has straight long brown hair with blue strands. I'm frozen I can't move. It takes a while for him to notice me, but when he does his face lights up. He looks me up and down and then bites his lip just like he did earlier today. Trish says  "This is Justin and that's.......", but before she can finish her sentence, Justin is already speaking "You again." I glare at him and say "My name is Rachel Lane." Trish looks surprised and says "You guys know each other." "Yeah, we have met." Justin says with a grin on his face.  Trish looks dubiously at me but doesn't say anything. I can't help it but feel a little hurt and maybe even jealous. How can I feel these things I don't even know him. Trish sits down on Leah's lap and Kevin takes my hand and pulls me onto his lap, but I quickly take a seat next to him, hoping nobody saw that. Then the girl on Justin's lap introduces herself as Riley. Riley looks like a girl seeking attention. They're playing some sort of game-like spin the bottle. "Can we play?" Trish asks. Riley looks up at us and wanders "Yeah sure if she can handle it." then laughs. Trish introduces the blond boy sitting next to Kevin as Chase. "Chase was born and raised in Washington." she says. Chase offers me a drink and says "Rachel was it huh?" "Yeah, it is." I say while looking at the bottle in his hand. It looks like rum or whiskey or maybe vodka. "I Uhm I don't drink." I say. He laughs and says "Everybody does." I look at Trish hoping she will tell him. Then a really high-pitched voice says "OH MY GOSH Trish where the hell did you find this girl?" it's Riley and she grins and then laughs. "Riley SHUT UP no one asked for your opinion." Kevin says. I am glad he stands up for me, but I can fight my own battles. He puts his hand on my knee to comfort me then whispers in my ear "You don't have to." "Thanks for that and I know." I whisper back. I look at Trish who is giving me hand gestures to take a sip. Kevin says" No don't Rachel." but he is too late.  I grab the bottle from Chase and take a sip. Wow, this shit is strong I took a big sip my throat is burning. Everyone around me is laughing and yelling "Oh wow great job Rach." I look around to see Justin is looking said disapprovingly at me, but I don't care. "Spin the bottle." Riley yells. "Fine." I say and look at her. The bottle spins round, round and round there are a few things it can land on: spin again, truth or dare, take a shot, pass a shot. I hope it doesn't stop at take a shot cause I won't be able to handle that. Everyone is waiting for it to stop spinning. It stops at truth or dare. Riley laughs "Well, what's it going to be Rachel?" I get the feeling she wants to torment me. I answer her and say "I'll do the truth." She looks at Justin who is guiding his hands from her thighs to her hips and then says "This is an easy one, Rachel Lane. Where was the last time you had sex?"Riley giggles like this is funny to her. I didn't know they were going to ask these types of stupid questions. I'm still a virgin, so I can't answer that. And even if I could I wouldn't cause it's private. Everyone is staring at me waiting for me to answer. "I'll do dare." I say and Riley laughs at me and says "Wait, Rachel, you haven't had sex yet?" I am frozen and can't talk. I see Justin looks at me in astonishment. Then Chase interferes "Fine, I dare you to make out with Justin." he says and laughs. Justin looks shocked by what Chase said, but I can see in his eyes that he would do it. Justin looks at Riley who is a little annoyed but doesn't seem to mind. She even encourages him to do it. Justin pushes Riley off his lap and stands up. His response surprised me after everything he said earlier today and I thought they had something going on between them.

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