Chapter Thirty-Seven.

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Logan dropped me off at the parking lot in front of my dorm block. We had a lot of fun, I think I might be a bit hoarse. I'm still laughing about the carpool karaoke Logan and I had while I walk up the stairs to my dorm. When I put my key in the lock the door opens, It's Eliot. "Hey you, how was your day?" He asks and hugs me. "It was fine. I had two new classes and they gave us a huge assignment for the end of August." I unpack my bag while telling Eliot all about my day and my karaoke fun in the car with Logan. 

Then Eliot tells me all about his morning in the hotel gym. We decided to take a long walk and get some lunch after I plan my whole week in my planner. Planning is one thing my mom thought me. She always says that the only way to have control is to plan everything. When I'm done planning my study sessions and daily activities we make our way to the car. I have the whole drive to prepare for our adventure walk. Eliot and I like to do this kind of thing together, nothing special. Finally back in the car after our 2-hour long walk. We came across some great spots and took some great Instagram pics. 

Monday evening. We decided to go to taco bell and have a nice car meal. The whole ride to taco bell we sing along with all the songs that come on the radio. Most of the time we don't even know the lyrics, but I guess that is what makes it fun. Normally I would have a salad but I was craving some good tacos. The food tasted great, but it wasn't good for my stomach. Eliot parked the car in front of my dorm block. I had to hurry upstairs to get to the bathroom in time. I gave Eliot my key and purse. 

When I'm walking through the hallway back to my dorm I made myself a promise to never eat tacos from taco bell again unless their vegetarian. I think my stomach just can't handle it. When I open the door Eliot and Trish are watching friends and I join them. After a while, Eliot decided to go to his hotel. He said Trish goodnight and hugged me goodbye before closing the door behind him. "So he isn't staying huh?" Trish asks completely amazed. "No, he is not, we aren't that kind of couple." "Okay fine, have it your way, but he didn't even kiss you goodnight. Have you guys ever kissed?" "Yes, we have once." "Just once? That just odd" "Don't even start it. I know and it haunts me sometimes." I joke.

"It's not that I don't want to, but we made a promise to each other." I tell Trish and it really does. Especially when I now know how good it can be. Only Eliot doesn't know that and he never will cause that time is over now." "Oh my dear Rachel, if that guy doesn't want to rip your clothes off he isn't the right one. You know good guys bring you to heaven but bad boys bring heaven to you. Remember that!" "I will, but I think Eliot and I are just fine. We love each other." I tell her while I crawl into my nice warm bed. I slowly fall asleep thinking about the great day I head. And for the first time in a while, I'm not thinking of him.

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