Chapter Twenty Two.

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It's Tuesday at 7.30 in the morning, when I wake up from my alarm Trish already left so I guess she had an early class. Mine starts at 9.30. I have a short day and if I'm right my last class ends at 1.30 in the afternoon which gives me time to study. I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and after I brushed my hair I decided to curl it. When I'm dressed I grab my bag and walk to the coffee house to meet Logan. I see Logan reading a book on our usual spot and lucky for me, he already ordered. I'm happy Logan and I got most classes together, that way we can help each other or team up for an assignment. After our coffee routine, we walk to class. As usual, we are the first ones waiting to get in. After a few minutes professor, Bennet opens the door for us and starts up his computer and stuff. After class Logan and I walk together to our next class administration with Professor Walker. He is very young and seems to like me, as a student of course. It's 1.15 when he ends class. I walk Logan to his car and say goodbye before he drives off. I head back to the dorms to study. Trish is lying on the bed listening to music when I come in. I throw my bag on my bed and open a sack of m&m's. I gather my books and clean my desk. After trying to study for almost an hour I give up and know I have to go somewhere I can concentrate and have a cup of coffee. I end up at the coffee house, which to my surprise is almost empty. I take a seat at the large table and plug in my headphones after I ordered a coffee and a bagel. After a while, I hear a group of people come in. I look up to see Riley, Kyle, Kevin, and Justin ordering coffee. I quickly look down and hope they didn't see me. And they didn't but Justin did and looks me right in the eye while he runs his hand through his hair and walks away. Why is he so handsome and why is my body getting hotter and hotter. Why does it feel like I can't breathe? This handsome guy is never going to be what I need him to be for me and maybe he doesn't even want to. I gather my books and walk out of the coffee house back to the dorms. After a few seconds, I hear a British voice say" Wait up. Rach wait." I know it's Justin and I don't want to talk to him after his behavior last weekend. I'm so done, and over crying all the time. "RACHEL wait. STOP" he yells and grabs my arm and turns me around as he did before. We are standing face to face now and I don't know what to do or say. I'm angry and hurt. I want to yell at him and maybe even slap him. Rachel what are you thinking this is wrong I tell myself. "What ?" I say in annoyance and he smiles. "I just think we need to talk. I mean can we do it over and just be friends. We're going to see each other cause your roommates with Trish and I'm friends with her." "Well, yes that is true. I just think we need some distance between us. And you can't be an asshole to me if you want us to be friends." I say irritated and a little angry, but it seems like he doesn't care and just laughs and then, backs away and says" You mean space like this." I laugh at his joke even when I shouldn't, but he is funny and makes me laugh. "No not like that, you know what I mean. We just don't work." I say and walk away, but he steps in front of me and says. Now that we're friends I want to show you something." "Well, then show me," I say waiting for a picture or something else to come. "Uhm. No, it's not a thing Uhm... it's a place." He says and his voice is low and he sounds a little afraid. "Uhm, I really think it's best we keep our distance and I have to go." I walk away and take a sip of my coffee. I want to go with him to that place and just be with him even though I know he hurts me. I hope he isn't gone yet and I only walked a few steps. I turn around and he is still standing there. "So where is that special place of yours?" I say and smile at him. "Uhm really? We have to take my car there, but I'll promise I'll behave." He says and I think I see a little smile on his face when I follow him to his car.

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