Chapter Thirty-Nine.

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The tall guy Paul is now on top of Justin. I'm trying to make it stop but they won't listen, what is going on. I don't understand why and where has he been the past few days. I'm so confused, then here he is saving me from that guy Paul trying to make a move on me. He is always there when I need him. Chase and Kevin are trying to get them apart, but it isn't working. I try to help them and take Justin away. I try to grab his hands, but he isn't even looking at me. Eliot is trying to grab mine and again I push him away, I'm in a different world right now. I don't care about Eliot I care about Justin and this has to stop. 

 Eliot is now watching from the sidelines like everyone else is gathering around us. Paul tried to kick Justin, but instead of hitting Justin, he hit me. I instantly fell on the ground and now Justin got even angrier and went completely loose on Paul. His anger changed into hate and this rage I can't describe. I'm now afraid he might punch Paul to death. Kevin jumped by my side and I can't hold my tears in any longer. They're already rolling over my cheeks. I hear Eliot shouting in the background, but I'm more focused on Justin. Justin is hitting Paul non-stop and Paul can't even defend himself.

 And again Chase and Kevin try to get them apart and this time it seems to help a little. They got Justin off of Paul. I can now come between them and I push Justin against a tree. I just need him to look me in the eyes and come back from his rage and the dark place he goes to when he is this angry. I grab his head in my hands and try to talk to him. "Hey, Justin it's me. I'm here I'm fine. Hey, come on look at me. It's me and I'm fine it's just a scratch and some bruises." I tell him trying to get through to him. It seems to be working. I keep trying to talk to him and I know he will listen to me eventually. 

Later that evening. I'm still crying and my leg hurts bad I'm having a hard time trying to stand on it. Paul is lying on the ground with blood all over his face and hands. Justin's face is only inches from mine and he still hasn't looked at me. I don't know what to do he needs to hear me. "Justin,... Justin,... JUSTIN." I yell at him. "Yeah, what I can hear you." He yells back. I wipe away a big drop of blood that rolls down his cheeks from his torn eyebrow. "Are you okay? Justin can't you just look at me. I'm fine." I say and without thinking or feeling any pain.

I collapse to the ground, my ankle and knee hurt. I tried to hold myself up by grabbing Justin's arm, but I couldn't. Because of all the adrenaline, I couldn't feel pain, but now that I do it's bad. Justin instantly kneels beside me and holds my hand. "Hey, I'm sorry. I just don't know how to act around you. That prick just asked for it." Then I hear a voice saying. "Rachel are you okay? What is this? What's going on?" It's Eliot. I forgot about him. "Eliot I uh.." I stuttered not knowing what to tell him. Justin helps me up and before I can say anything he is gone. 

Where the hell did he go? He just disappeared like a ghost. "I'm fine and can we please not talk about it," I say hoping that he doesn't ask any more questions. I don't even know what to tell him, cause I can't even figure out what is going on myself. "Well, Rach we have to talk about this sometime. Jees your ankle doesn't look good. We should go see a doctor." I know I have to talk to him about this. I just have no clue what to tell him. Justin and I are not going anywhere so why mention it. Eliot and I are doing great and I can't lose him. Then I all of the sudden remember we were with Logan and Nate.

 "Hey, where are Nate and Logan?" "They went home. They wanted some quality time." Eliot jokes and laughs. I take a quick look around to see if I can find Justin. Trish and Eliot help me get to the car. Finally, in the car, I see my ankle is huge. Lucky for me I'm a medical student. This party wasn't going as I thought it would. I now think I'm cursed. I can never go to a party without something bad happening. The whole car ride back to the dorms is quiet. Eliot doesn't say a word. Is he on to me?

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