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After that disturbing visit from Taylor, I was too upset to continue the day at work so as soon as dad returned to the office, I left. I drove straight to Diego's company, I tried my best to not seems upset but inside I was dying with anger. The image of her flashed into my mind and I bit on my lips hard, a little too hard I can tell it will be swell later. I just don't understand why she won't back off and accept that Diego has moved on and want nothing to do with her, her thick Russian accent let my head hurts.

"Good day Ms. Statham" Chris voice greeted bringing my attention to him. I looked up on him dressed in a black pants, white shirt , black tie and black shoes. his glasses rest on his nose and some of his curly black hair falls in his face.

"Hello Chris, is my husband in?" I asked.

"Yes Ma'am" He replied politely.

I walked towards Diego's office and entered right away, he smiled when he noticed my presence then stood from his chair and walked over to me.

"I just love seeing my beautiful wife" He said before hugging me and kissing me, he pulled back looking on my bothered face with a question look while his hand holds on to my arms. "Baby what's wrong?"

"Taylor is what's wrong" I answered, spitting her name out bitterly. " She have the nerves to showed up at my office under a fake name offering me money to leave you or she will tell the public that our marriage is fake. I hate her Diego, I really do. I can't stand her coming to me like that, talking to me like that, I jus.....

"Baby breathe... Slow down" Diego wrapped his arms around me and kissed my temples multiple times. I wrapped my hands around his torso and started crying, I was so angry that I had to let it out in tears. I want to live a peaceful live with my husband, I want to go through my pregnancy peacefully and carefully and all this about Taylor is stressing me out.

"Sweetheart please don't cry, I promise I will take care of her" Diego said soothing me but I could tell he is angry.

"I just want her to leave us alone" I cried again fisting his jacket.

"Look at me" Diego said holding my head up so I could look at him, he used both thumbs to wipe my tears away and cupped my face. "It is breaking my heart to see you crying like this baby so please stop crying. Whatever Taylor said to you, don't let it get to you because it's not healthy for you or the baby. I will take care of her" he hugged me tightly and his words did calm me down.


The weekend came sooner than I expected but I wasn't complaining, I get to spend extra hours in bed. My friends and I have a girls day out today so I slide off the bed, stretching and yawning. My hands paused in the air and my mouth slowly closed when the man that captured my heart walked in the room, taking my breath away.

The way his fresh shave gives his face a bright expression, so cool and so soft. His blue orbs, steadied on his gold Rolex that he's wrapping around his wrist. My heart skipped a beat when my eyes landed on the red button shirt he's wearing with two unbuttoned, that is damn sexy, the way his white pants fits on his waist so good and his white shoes, have me intoxicated. Knowing I'm a pregnant lady, my sex hormones was igniting inside of me like flames from fire. My man was looking damn good and I was drooling.

"I can feel your eyes undressing me" Diego's voice whispered into my ears, his warm breath touched my ears giving me an erotic feeling.

"That's my job to do, isn't it?" I said seductively, wrapping my hands around his neck and inhaling his sweet aroma.

"Are you being smart with me?" He asked in a whiper, gripping my hips gently.

"So what if I am? Are you going to punish me?" I bit on my lips while walking sexy towards the bed, laying down and spread my legs apart.

Mr Arrogant  Meets Miss NuisanceUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum