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The loud alarm that erupted in the room caused me to jumped from my sleep and I fell off the bed. I was tangled in the silky white sheet and It was giving me a hard time to untangle.

"Stupid alarm!" I growled while fighting to get the sheet from her body.

After I did, I let out a tiredly yawn and stretched, my eyes stills have sleep in them. I then lazily walked towards the bathroom door, scratching my ass and the yawning continues. I pushed the bathroom door open and wish I didn't.

"Oh my god! I...I'm s.." I stuttered, Diego just stepped out of the shower all nude. I was seeing everything, at the moment I didn't know what to do, I should quickly get my eyes off him but they were glued to his nakiness. He didn't even shift nor tried to cover up himself.

"When you're finish staring can you get the hell out?" He sneered at me and quickly averted my eyes.

"I-- I... didn't know you were in here" I finally found my voice but it was barely heard.

"Now you know get out!" He snapped and I quickly back out of the bathroom.

I can't believe what I just saw.... Oh lord please take that part of memory away, I prayed. I couldn't bare to see him so I quickly ran towards the door to get out but then the bathroom door opened.

"Clarissa?" Oh shit! He called my name. He called me by my name for the first time.

"Yes" I answered softly but didn't turn around.

"I need you to pack some clothes, we are going to Japan this afternoon" he spoke.

Now I was facing him, infact now I was near him because I swore I heard him said we are going to Japan and I'm sure I don't have any business in Japan to be there.

"What's my purpose in Japan?" I asked him, even though he's in clothes I was still seeing what's under them.

"I have business there and as my wife you need to be there by my side" was all he said then turn to his phone.

"So now I'm one of your employees that you just order around?" I asked stepping infront of him.

It's been two months and all he does is gave me orders like I'm one of his employees but Ofcourse knowing me I disobeyed them all. He need to talk to me with respect even though we can't stand each other. Because of his imprudent behavior, I will not comply with anything he says to me.

"Do you have to be stubborn about every thing?" He asked dangerously close to my face.

"Yes when I'm dealing with an imprudent person like you" I answered dauntlessly.

"Stop infuriating me Clarissa, I'm warning you" He warned and again he called my name, he didn't say "little wench" as he use to. But still that's doesn't change that he's a bad person.

Now his breath was fanning on my face and I could sense the minty toothpaste and the sweet scented shaving cream he just used. It was to much for me then I remembered how I saw him earlier, I back away.

"So tell me why I'm going to Japan with you?" I asked calmly.

"We have business to take care of there" He answered and that still wasn't enough for me.

"What business?" I persisted.

He growled loudly and I could tell I'm annoying him but I didn't care.

"There will be an exhibition there tomorrow evening and Mr. Xiang will be there choosing artiste with the best painting for hotel coming up. I've heard he's still haven't choose any company to start the project so I still have a chance. So since you were the one that mess things up, you're going to fix it"

Oh, I remembered months ago I messed his deal up with Mr. Xiang because I made a deal with Xavier and he screw me over and yet he still don't have the deal.

"And why would I do that?" I asked uninterested.

"Because you'll be doing your dad another favor, his company is wreck and bankrupt. You see if Mr Xiang goes with my company then he will need furniture's for the hotel and that's where your father company would come in. I've seen his work and it's not extremely good but I'd give it a pass and put in some good words to Mr. Xiang for him and I'm pretty sure he would be back on track" he said and that would be a great deal for my father's company.

All he need is a good supporter and to make furniture's for an huge hotel is a lot of furniture and that money could help out the company alot and dad wouldn't be so depress anymore and maybe I can get out of this fake marriage soon.

"Deal, but how will I get Mr. Xiang to change his mine?" I asked him remembering that dinner didn't went well.

"That's your problem to solve beside you're a good liar" with that said, he leaves the room with his phone by his ears.

Now I'm left with finding ways to convince Mr. Xiang to works with Diego's company, start packing and I must informed my parents that's I'm leaving to Japan this afternoon.


The drive to his private jet didn't take too long. The driver put away our luggage in the jet before heading back to the jeep. His poilet, John greeted us as we made out way inside. It was cool and cozy, I took a seat in the middle at the window while the beast sits up front. He swiped his hands over his laptop, I watched his hired flight attendant flirting with him while taking his order on some wine.

"Desperate b**ch" I mumbled, flicking my phone out and putting in my earpiece to get relax.

"And for you Mrs. Statham" her voice asked so close to me, I wonder when she reached here.

"White cranberry juice if not water" I answered her.

"Uhmmm, why are you so far from your husband? Aren't you afraid someone snatch him away?" She giggled cause me to rolled my eyes.

"No I'm not afraid of him getting snatch and I'm a wife that gives my husband space to do his work, if that's all can I get my juice please?" I asked with an unpleasant attitude.

"Yes mam" she muttered then walked away.

My eyes got in contact with his and I quickly looked away hoping he didn't hear what I just told his employee. She returned with our juice and I take two sip before lieing back on the seat and close my eyes for a few minutes.

After fourteen hours and some minutes we landed in Tokyo. I didn't know I could get so fed up of sitting, I climbed down from the jet and saw Diego approached a man dress in full black Suite that standing near a black Mercedes. I then see the man putting out luggage in the car and open the door for us to enter. I entered first on then Diego after. We didn't speak in the car and minutes later the car came to a halt infront of a sky scraper glossy building.


Mr Xiang's hotel, I admired the beauty of the place and I was loving it. My first time in Japan and I'm loving it already even though someone might ruin my mood later.

"Are you coming or you just  going to stand there and stare?" I heard his voice said lacing with nuisance.

"I'm sure I can find my way inside" I murmured.

He turned on his eel towards the entrance and I followed shortly while still gawking on the beautiful place.

Thanks for reading.....


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