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What the hell am I doing? Ahh.. Noona this is all because of you, I'm marrying that pretty little devil... How will I stand her and that fierce attitude of hers in my presence everyday?

I shook my head in frastration as I stared at her signature on the agreements. Maybe I should cancel the whole thing and tell Noona I lied, but then she'll kill me or end up having another seizure.

"President, your grandmother is here to see you" I heard Chris voice through the intercom.

I jumped on my feet and hid the agreements and composed myself around my desk.

"Send her In Chris, why letting her wait?" I said in annoyance.

"I'm sorry president"

In split seconds the door was open and In came Nonna, smiling so brightly as if she wasn't in the hospital a day ago. I like seeing her happy, ever since my parents die, she's always here for me. The only family member I have left.

"Boy, are you just going to sit there or come give your Noona a pleasant welcome" Noona said, slapping me in the head.

"Ouch! Nonna" I called out rubbing the spot, for a old lady her hands are really heavy.

I got up from my desk and reached by her side and hugged her warningly.

"Welcome Noona, I'm happy to see you"

"I'm happy to see you son, but would be happier to see you girlfriend" she smiled brightly looking into my eyes.

" You'll meet here tomorrow Nonna infact I proposed to her" I said forcefully.

Gosh! Just thinking about the fierce lady, my blood boiled. It's temporary so I'll make Noona happy until  I'm ready to get rid of her.

"Oh my son! You have no idea how happy I am to hear this news" she hugged me tightly.

"Chris announce that my grandson will be getting Marry soon..." She called out to Chris.

" Noona, I want this wedding to be private" I whined but knowing her, she won't have that.

"Are you silly? This have to be big son, it have to be over the media, I'm so excited and proud of you son" she said happily, kissing my cheeks.

Ahh... Noona do you have to do that? Now the whole city will know I'm marrying that pretty little devil. I can't afford to go public with her beside me and she might just say something she's not supposed to.

"Diego, is something wrong?" Nonna voice snapped me from my trance.

"N-no Noona, I'm excited as you are" I lied giving her a saccharine smile.

She wouldn't know that everything is wrong that she just ordered Chris to do but she's my Noona and I should keep her happy.



I walked back and forth in my room with the small box in my hand that I received from Diego yesterday.

"What the hell am I getting myself into?" I murmured staring a the expensive engagement ring in the box.

I haven't mention a word to my family about this. Dad will surely be dissapointed in me. I sigh, throwing the box on the bed and walked over to my closet. I Got a text from the devil that he's picking me up by 6pm and I should dress occasionally.

I decided on wearing a gold, silk dress that reaches just above my knees and clinched to my body. Not that I'm impressing him but I want to look exiquite. My hair is already in a high ponytail with a side bang and I did my  make up lightly.

"Clairey Dad and Mom need you downstairs right now" Clinton voice spoke at my room door.

"Why? Is something wrong?" I asked while finishing fitting my shoes on.

"Just go see them ok?" He said then walked away.

I grabbed the box from the bed and put it in my bag then head out wondering why mom and dad need to see me. As I got closer down the stairs I saw dad with his hands running over his head and Mom sitting with her eyes on the tv.

"Mom? Da--- I paused when I saw a image of me and Diego on fame, announcing that we'll be getting marry soon.

Is this guy for real? How the hell did he get my photo? Why would do this public without my permission? Now my face is all over the television.

"Clarissa what is this?" Dad asked breaking my stares from the t.v.

"Dad... I should have told you guys but I...

"you're getting marry to Diego? Clarissa when did this happened?" Mom asked shockingly.

I can't even look into there eyes or find the right words to say to justify my reasons why I hid such news from them. As they sit there staring at me, waiting on my reply, my blood is boiling of Diego going public with this. I just moved back a couple days now and getting marry to the town eminent man. Oh what I'll do to that bastard when I lay my eyes on him, he could of warn me or....

"Clarissa!" My dad called loudly causing me to jumped back to reality.

"Mom..... Dad, I should have told you about the deal I made with Diego, I ju.

"Deal? What deal?" Dad asked cutting me off.

He didn't looked please of what's going on while Mom still in shock and Clinton surprised.

"Diego offered me a deal yesterday, if I agree to be his wife then he won't take our house or the company if you didn't pay him dad. I couldn't watch you loose everything you worked so hard for so I agreed." I told them, heaving a sigh and taking a seat on the single heart shaped sofa.

"Clarissa that's unbelievable! call that deal off, I can take care of this myself" Dad ordered in a harsh tone.

"But dad ....

"Your father is right Clarissa, You're messing up your future. Marriage isn't a joke Clarissa and it's definitely not a business proposal" Mom said.

" Mom it's temporary, it will be over soon and we go our part way. I know marriage isn't a joke but I'm doing this for the sake of our family. We have no other choice and we are at the deadline. Dad you could loose everything" I said persuasively.

" I said call the deal off Clarissa, I will not support such game" Dad said upsetting before walking away from the room.

"Mom... I'm only trying to help" I softly said with teary eyes.

" I know sweetheart but its not right,think about what you're doing Clairey. I'll go check on your father." Mom said then stood up and leave.

"Clinton?" I called, looking over at my little brother.

" I'm confuse Clairey, as mom said... think about what you're doing" he said then turn to his phone.

I feel terrible, I've never seen dad this mad at me before. all I want is to see my family happy again and Diego is making things difficult for them. My phone beep in my hand and speaking of the devil.

Its 6:15pm, where the hell are you? His message read and my blood continued to boil.


Hey guys!!!! It's me again with another epic chapter. I'm sincerely sorry about the late update but life have its turn on me.

I hope y'all enjoy this chapter and love you all. Please continue to support.


Jody ~Kaye

Mr Arrogant  Meets Miss NuisanceWhere stories live. Discover now