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Myself still won't get comfortable in this house although it's enormous and very exquisite. I'm now staying at the devil's mansion and I'm still shaken up of what he had done to me even though it's two weeks now. The fact that he had seen my nakiness forcefully affect me alot and would be worst if I was seeing him.

Thank god he's out of the country on a business trip but sadly he'll return later today and Nonna is coming to have dinner with us.  I don't know how to face him, I feel like I'm suffocating in this place and I just want to get out. My plans for today is to go see my family,  I'll really need a happy moment before seeing the devil later.

As usual, after my shower,  I dried myself properly, applied sweet scented lotion to my body then add clothes. I decided on a peach dress with button front and a cute slim peach belt.  I wore a black stilettos and fixed my hair in a high ponytail.  Not much make up, just eyeliner and nude lipstick and I was ready to go.

Upon reaching at the last floor, I ran into Indra. She's the only person I'm close to in this house even though it's full of other maids. I just have a liking for her and talking to her actually let me feel relax.

"Hi, Clarissa" she smiled at me, she is finally calling me by my name.

"Hey, I'm actually on my way to my parent's house would you like to come?" I asked her.

"Clarissa, you know if president find out, he won't give me another chance"

"Indra he's not hear beside,  I asked him earlier and he said you can" I lied. I really need her to come with me.

"I don't believe you Clarissa... call him again" she didn't bought it.

"Are you calling me a liar Indra?" I asked her trying to give her a serious face but failed.

"No I just don't want to get in any trouble again"

"Ok then, we'll be back soon. No one will miss us" I assured her.

She hesitated as usual but gave in. My car was here so I drove us there.


"Mom! Dad! I missed you guys so much" I exclaimed running into both their arms.

"We missed you too princess" Dad said hugging me tightly.

"I missed my daughter and bestfriend so much" mom said with tears and it warms my heart.

"Mom I'm going to cry" I said truthfully but tried to hold in my tears.

Now this feels like home, the familiar house scent, familiar furniture's, the painting on the walls and seeing my parents just brings happiness to my heart. Only person missing is Clinton because he's at school. For a moment I forgot I came here with someone until mom spoke.

"Who is this beautiful friend of yours Clairey?" Mom asked.

"This is Indra, my new friend" I introduced her. "And Indra,  these are my parents" I turned to Indra.

"Nice meeting you" Indra smiled.

"So where's your husband?" Dad asked with an unpleasant smile and I hope Indra didn't see that.

That day flashed back in my head and my chest tighten up. If I utter anything about that day to dad,  he'll loose it and I know there'll be trouble.

"He's actually in Paris on a business trip, he'll return later today" I answered trying to hide how painful it is to talk about him.

"Ohk I hope he's treating you well or else....

"Dad, I'm fine. I'm just happy to see you guys" I said quickly drifting the topic because Diego wasn't treating me well at all.

We spent the rest of the day, laughing, eating and relaxing. Dad went back to the office and mom,  Indra and I went outside and did some work in the garden. I was happy and relax in that moment.


My mood swiftly change as soon I entered the mansion. The day I had at my parent's house was full of joy and now I'm just unhappy being here. I feel so uncomfortable here that I don't admire the place too much. I know that it's a four story house that's painted in navy blue and white with a large pool at the back, a beautiful garden on both side at the from, a beautiful lawn on the outside. 

Inside too is very beautiful,  painted beautifully in lavender and some area in peach and brown, luxurious furniture,  clean while tiled floor and wooden doors. I still don't know how much rooms, bathrooms or other rooms in this place but it's enormous and full of maids.

"Clarissa, are you going to stand there all evening?" Indra spoke and I jumped into reality, I didn't even know I was standing in one place so long.

"You seems lost and unhappy. Are you ok?" She asked in concerned.

"I'm ok, I'm just missing my parents" I responded but that wasn't my only reasons for being sad.

"Ok cheer up and go get ready to welcome that sexy husband of yours home" she smiled wiggling her lashes.

"Indra stop!"

"What isn't he your husband?" She asked and she wouldn't believe the answer is 'no'.

"You go back to work and I'll go freshen up for dinner.." I said, pushing her towards the kitchen way.

I then took the stairs, it's a long path but I need to clear my head some more. By the time I reached the room, I was panting and sweating. I opened the door and immediately dropped my sweaty body on the bed. I needed at least fifteen minutes before I go have a shower.

15minutes later..

The water feels good running down my body, I let the water runs from my head down to my toes. I washed every inch of my body properly before turning the tab off. I stretched for the fresh, white towel and wrapped it around my body then a short one around my hair.

Dinner is an hour away so I'm getting prepared other than not wanting to see the devil, I'd like to see Noona.  She's a nice person and she treats me well.

I closed the bathroom door and froze when I saw him standing by the window, looking at me. He quickly shift his off me and covered the side of his face with his hands.

"It's not like you haven't seen me naked before" I grumbled,  clinching tight to my towel.

He still didn't look at me.

"There's a dress on the bed, wear it" he spoke, ignoring my grumbles.

I looked at the bed and saw a red dress, neatly pressed and laying on the bed. Its beautiful, it's wasn't too long or short, there's cuffs at the breast part  with spaghetti trap. I like it but why did he get me a dress?

"I don't like it, I'm not wearing it" I spoke strongly.

Now his eyes was on me and his face is hard as stone. He stepped to me and I took two steps back.

"I really don't want to fight with you, I'll be downstairs waiting and you better wear the damn dress" with that said, he marched out the door and slammed it.

Thanks for reading guys and please enjoy.

Until next chapter.. bye!!!



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