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My eyes fluttered open and it took me a good five seconds to realised that the sky was bright and not dark anymore. Yawning widely, I stretched in bed and lie flat on my back, feeling sleepy again. I could sleep all day and no work but dad need me and I should show good work ethics and not because I am the boss's daughter I shouldn't. It would not be fair for the other employees and it would look as if I am getting special treatment and one thing I hate is people who act like they are above of other people and I am not that person no matter what position I am in.

"Finally sleeping beauty is awake" I heard Diego's deep masculine voice. He emerged from his walking in closet full dress in dark blue Armani suit. This man is one attractive piece to look at, any woman would fall in a coma just by looking at his sexy body and handsome face. None of these New York male models have anything over him, he would beat then down in a contest even if he can't do the walk....

"You never get tired of checking me out, do you?" He chuckled while trying to see which tie best match his suit and I shook my head 'no". In his hands he have a grey and a light blue tie.

I climbed off the bed and walked over to him, I was engulfed in his expensive cologne. "Wear this one" I took the grey tie from his hands and tied around his neck.

"Thank you sweetheart" he replied then kissed my cheeks. I wrapped my hands around him tightly not wanting him to leave." I don't want you to leave" I pouted as I looked up at his handsome face.

"As much as I badly want to stay here in bed with you, I have to go because I have a meeting at 10:30 am and I need to prepare also you have already sleep out a lot of time and I am pretty sure you will be late for work" he replied wrapping his hands around me and sniffing my hair.

My eyes glimpsed the time on the huge brown clock across the room and I let go off Diego. "Indeed I am going to be late, it's already 8: 25am" I said as I hurried over to my walk in closet. I quickly pulled out a peach pencil skirt and white silky long sleeve blouse and throw it on the bed.

"I guess I will see you late" Diego cupped my face and kissed me once. Thank god I don't have morning breath. " I love you" He told me and I got excited whenever he told me that.

"I love you too" I smiled at him. I walked him to the door before rushing to the bathroom to get myself ready for work.


"Sleeping on the job can cause you to lose your job princess" I heard my dad voice and I quickly rose my head from the desk.

"I am so sorry dad, I was feeling sleepy and I didn't knew when I fell asleep" I told him as I rubbed the rest of sleep from my eyes but that didn't help, I could still feel the sleep.

"You should take the day off princess it look like you could do well in bed right now" Dad chuckled as he collected some files from my desk.

"Dad it's ok, I ca_

"Princess you should go home, I will handle things from here" he said in a fatherly tone in which I obliged.

I hugged and kissed his cheeks on my way out of my office. I really needed a bed right now and I don't understand why I have been feeling so drowsy all of a sudden. I punched the open button on the elevator then entered as soon as it open, the elevator open and as I stepped off I saw Sebastian standing there as if he was going up. I wonder what he is doing here?

"Clarissa just the person I want to see" he laughed as he pulled me in a hug and kissed both my cheeks.

"Sebastian are you lost?" I asked him cause I doubt he have any business here.

Mr Arrogant  Meets Miss NuisanceWhere stories live. Discover now