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"I want you to marry me" came from his lips causing my eyes to widen in surprise.

"M..M..marry y...y..you?" I stuttered pointing to myself in complete surprised.

"Why on earth would I do something as stupid as that?" I said steadily, staring into his deep blue eyes.

"Because if you accept it would solve all yours and your dad problems and if you refuse then I suggest you take a last look around this mansion because tomorrow it will be mine along your dad's bankrupt company" he replied so livid and threaten.

I found myself blinking a million times, hoping to wake from this terrible nightmare and for this beast to disappear from infront of me with his madness.

"I don't like to keep waiting so you have until tomorrow at 8am sharp to be in my office to sign the agreement forms if not I'll proceed to my actions as I mentioned earlier" with that said he hopped in his car and speed of leaving me blank.


Now here I am in my room at 12midnight can't seems to sleep because of his voice roaming around in my head. I'm still thinking that I'm stuck in a terrible nightmare. I wish the time could stop and tomorrow never appears but that's very much impossible.

"Goddamit!" I screamed, slapping myself in the forehead.

A small knock came on my door and I startled a bit then in came my dad. One look at him and heart started to hurt and tears brim my eyes.

"Are you ok sweetheart?" He asked worriedly.

"Yes dad" I masked my sadness and gave him a saccharine smile.

He sat beside me, trying to returning a smile but I could see right through him. I know how he's feeling inside and it's killing me to see my dad like this. I'm not use to him like this and I can't deal with him like this.

On my way home from the U.K. I was so excited to come home to my loving and happy family not to see sadness within them or for some arrogant bastard to demand marriage from me.

"You don't look ok Clairey" Dad voice snapped me from my trance.

"Dad I'm fine... How about you? Why are you up so late?" I asked him.

"I'm fine sweetheart, I was on my way for some water when I heard your voice"

I looked up on him and smile before leaning on his shoulder.

"I know something is bothering you dad" I said right after I heard him sighed frastratedly.

"Diego called today and said I have until 8am sharp tomorrow to return his money or else..... his voice cracked and I held my head up just in time to see tears falling from his eyes.

"I can't afford to loose all that I've works so hard for" he said in tears.

The sight of my dad's crying pain my heart so bad. I've never seen my dad in so much sorrow before and at this moment I know that I have to save my dad because I was the one that made things worst.

Tears falls from my eyes as I wiped my dad's tears away and comforted him the best I could.

"Stop crying father, everything will be ok... so you can rest assured"

Mr Arrogant  Meets Miss NuisanceWhere stories live. Discover now