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As the warm water ran down my back, I tried to think of all the reasons why Diego asked to see me. it could be to talk about the kiss this morning, to tell me he's falling for me.... no! that wouldn't be possible, Diego don't have a heart so he's asking to see me to tell me how slutty and easy I was to fell into his arms and kissed him back. I will not go and see him, I'll try my best to avoid him and also I was planning to sleep in another room tonight careless of who will notice.

Wrapping the fresh, white towel around my body, I walked into the room slowly while peeking to see if he's there waiting for me and gladly he wasn't so I started drying my hair first then went to my closet and picked out a cute dress with black up the stop, white at the bottom with Light Green, Peach and black designs and a cute little brown belt. Quickly I get dressed and slipped on a pair of Light green slippers and put my hair in a messy bun. My belly started rumbling so I decided to go have dinner hoping not to ran in to Diego. On opening the door, I came in contact with Suzie again.

"You're here because my husband sent for me again? I asked rolling my eyes.

"No Ma'am, I'm here to let you know that dinner is ready" She replied.

"Ok I was on my way down" I said before walking passed her.

I reached the dinning room shortly and gasped when I saw him already seated at the table burning holes into my body. I slowly walked in and took a seat infront of him without sparing another glance at him. We were served alfredo, pepper steak, vegetable salad, rice, fruit juice and water. From the corner of my eyes I could see him staring at me, he simple dressed in a white plain T-shirt, a black shorts and a pair of adidas slippers.

"Please leave" he said to the maids that were serving the food.

They bowed at him then scrambled out of the room leaving us alone, I didn't looked at him instead I started stuffing my face with food. I could feel his eyes on me and I wonder what he's over there thinking.

" I sent for you earlier, why didn't you come?" he finally spoke.

"I was busy" I lied, paying attention to my food.

"Busy huh? You're just avoiding me because you kissed me this morning and some what feel ashamed of how easy you are?" came from his mouth and shot my head up looking at him deadly.

" I'm not easy and you were the one that kissed me first' I argued.

" Then why did you kiss me back?" He asked cockily.

Yes Clarissa! Why did you kissed him back? My subconscious asked being damn nosey. I don't even know why I gave in so easily and kissed him back, those stupid feelings betrayed me and now he's teasing me about it. How could I be so naïve and desperate?

"Admit it, You're falling for me?" his voice broke my thoughts.

"W-what? N-No I'm not" I answered defensively but it sounded weak and unsure.

"Really you don't? but the kissed said otherwise" he taunted me.

"It seems to me that you're the one catching feelings because you kissed me first and then asking to see me as I stepped through the door now that shows how desperate you are" I said staring into his eyes while popping a carrot in my mouth.

He became quiet, all he did was staring at me with cold eyes. I think I hit something in him with my words, so could it be that we both of feelings for each other?....

"That kissed was to prove how easy you are and how quick I could get you in bed" his respond did hit something in me.

That hurts, it hurt so bad I can feel tears fighting their way to my eyes. Never have anyone spoke to me like that, I didn't even have a come back for him. I dropped the fork on my plate and rose from my seat, I stared at him hard while fighting with my tears to stay in.

Mr Arrogant  Meets Miss NuisanceWhere stories live. Discover now