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Clarissa outfit☝️

The knockings on the door caused me to jolt from my deep slumber.  I was indeed tired after the long flight, the knockings came again and I climbed down from the bed. I looked around the room and I was here alone. I slipped on my fuzzy pink slippers and approached the door where I saw a lady dressed in khaki color dress that reached above her knees and a pair of black pumps.

"Room service" she gave out and  I looked down on the silver cart with food covered up and a bottle of red wine.

"Thank you but I didn't order anything" I told her.

"Your husband did" she said with a smile .

"Ohk, thank you" I accepted the food and closed the door.

So I should look at him differently now, calling me by my name and ordering food for me while I was sleeping. Nah! He's just being nice so I will talk to Mr. Xiang. I looked up on the gold clock and saw that's it now 1pm, I entered the bathroom first and once I was out I moved to the food.

"Impressive" I mumbled when I lifted the cover and saw lobster with potatoes salad and lasagna. It looked delicious and it proved itself once it landed on my taste but. It's delightful.

After I finished eating, I took a long warm shower and got dress in a white crop top, denim shirts and a pair of white puma slippers then head out of the room. I need to see the beauty of the place some more and in the daylight. I took the elevator to the bottom floor, I didn't know where I was going but I was about to explore.

"Excuse me sir" I called to one of the workers and gladly it was Mr. Miller from earlier.

"Hello Mrs. Statham, how is your stay so far?" He asked with a friendly smile.

"I must say it's a beautiful place and the food is indeed excellent, I'm enjoying my stay so far" I told him truthfully.

"I'm glad to hear that Mrs. Statham"

I cringed each time I've been called Mrs. Statham, I don't like it but I have to deal with it for now.

"Where can I find my way to the poolside?" I asked him and he was so kind to guided me there. I thank him then admired the beautiful lounge area. It wasn't crowdy, I'm glad for that and it was a huge area with more than one pool. A bar and diner over by the right, a lifeguard post near each pool side and lounge chair to cool out on.

Just a few people was in the pool the others are either at the bar having drinks, eating in the diner or just relaxing by the pool. I was enjoying the ambiance of the place, I walked over to an empty lounge chair next to the pool that's shaped in a heart; I'm guessing his the lover's pool for couples.

The temperature of the sun was just right and the lovely music playing by the bar makes it more relaxing out here. Lieing on my back, I close my eyes and just enjoying the moment until I was disturbed by a loud splash and cold water on my body.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed looking down on my wet white crop top and denim shorts.  My mood was instantly ruined and I'm mad at the person that did this.

"申し訳ありません" a masculine voice spoke in Japanese and I looked upon the handsome stranger that ruined my peaceful moment. (I'm sorry)

Water dripping from his long black hair, down his handsome face, his round, hazel eyes are cute not to mention his perfect chiseled jawline. The water dripping from his face, landed on his straight nose and pink lips. His wet chest is attractive, it's like a masterpiece God took alot of time to make, it pass perfect, my eyes are so bloody rude they lingered on his wet red shorts waist for sometimes......

"あなたは大丈夫" His voice spoke again, knocking me out of my admiration. (You okay?)

"What?" I asked unclear of what he's saying.

"I was apologizing for splashing you" he spoke in English and his voice is lovely.

"Oh it's fine, accident do happen" I was blushing, I was gawking at this stranger and I haven't done that in a while.

You're a married woman Clarissa, stop flirting. My subconscious spoke.

"It's a fake marriage" I spoke back.

"You went infront of a pastor Clarissa and remember what the contract says" she reminded me about how Diego is allowed to be with other woman but I'm not allowed to be with other man. That's just doesn't make any sense because we are just pretending.

"Is my wife bothering you?" I heard the devil's voice and speaking of the devil.

There he was standing next to the stranger looking down at me.

"Your wife?" He asked surprisingly, I guess he didn't see my ring.

"Yes my wife" he answered the stranger harshly while staring hard on him.

"Oh I'm sorry again for splashing you" he said and walked away.

I frowned at Diego who was staring at me like I've done him any harm, I huffed while taking myself off the chair and walked away.

"Why were you with another man while married? There are people here that knows me and will start talking" he made noise as we head inside.

"I wasn't with him, he splashed me by accident and he was just apologizing" I rolled my eyes and pushed the elevator button to open. Why am I even explaining myself to him? I haven't done anything wrong?

"I saw you flirting and I bet other people saw too, you know the consequences if you violate the contract and trust me I will have no mercy" he angrily said, stepping into the elevator.

"I'm not trying to violate the contract so please give me a break" I grumbled, stepping inside too.

"You didn't deny flirting with him so it's violating"

He was right, I didn't deny it because It was true. The man is very attractive and I'm human that's have feeling and I couldn't stop myself from blushing when he spoke to me. I didn't answer him, we got out of the elevator and walked to our room quietly.


"The exhibition starts in an hours, wear the dress on the bed and don't keep me waiting" Diego said once I got out of the bathroom, wrapped in a large white towel.

He is already dressed in a three piece black suit with a red tie on the inside and a pair of black shoes. On his left wrist, sits a silver Rolex watch and his hair neatly combed. All looks good except the cold and annoyed expression on his face.

"Time is ticking, keep your eyes off me and get dress, I'll be by the car" his upsetting voice spoke.

"I'll be by the car" I mimicked the last part of his sentence.

He flashed me a dead glare before doing the wolverine walk out the door. My eyes glows when I spotted the cute red dress on the bed, he really likes red. I took the dress up and observed it before putting it on. It's  a straight, one strap dress that reached on my knees with it there was a pair of white heels with red bottom that really fit in well with the dress then I add my silver jewelries. 

I let my hair down with a center part and did my make up, I added foundation, concealer and red lipstick.  There's this cute little red purse that came with the dress and I place my phone in it before heading for the door but just before I reached it, it madly swung open. The beast appeared from behind the door with a upset face.

"What the hell is taking you so damn long?" He hissed.


Another update, please enjoy.

Japanese language in this story was from google search.


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