Bonus Chapter (41)

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Months later...

"Here, I made this specially for you" Noona said as she hands me the bowl of vegetable and fruit salad that I requested.

I was the size of a hippo right now (I'm exagerating) but I am huge. In less than two weeks I should be giving birth to my little prince. When Diego and I found out we are having a boy we were elated. I am thankful to god that after all the tragedies, my baby is safe and ready to meet this world.

"Thank you Noona" I smiled as I collected the bowl from her hands and dug in.

"You're welcome darling" Noona smiled and sat next to me.

I came to visit her and to spend some  time with her since I'm on maternity leave and home alone being boring when Indra is not there. Indra is no longer working as our maid anymore but we still keep in touch. Her relationship with Bryan has kicked off and going well and as for Xiomara and Sabestian, their wedding is coming soon. Life for me have been good since Taylor passed but I can't help myself from thinking that it's my fault that she die because I let her go. The cops said it's self defense which it is but the fact that she died from my hands really bothered me.

"Clarissa darling" Nonna called getting my attention.

"Hmm" I answered with grapes in my mouth.

"Are you worrying about something? You looked lost a minute ago" she inquired.

I looked up at her and smiled." To be honest Noona, I get a bit scare as it get closer to my due date"

"Oh darling, you don't have to be scare, you will deliver my great grand son safetly" she smiled and poked my cheeks.

"I can't wait to meet him" I looked down on my huge round stomach.

"We all are excited to meet him" Nonna smiled.

My eyes glued to the documentary of live childs birth on the TV with fear squirming around inside of me. I told myself I  would not worry anymore about this and I will stop watching these documentary of live birth but here I am trembling and wouldn't turn the television off. This is all new to me and I am very excited but at the same time scare.  Mom and Noona told me I have nothing to worry about but when I see these live birth, I get worried.

"Hey baby" Diego voice said causing me to jump. He was about to kiss my lips when his eyes caught the sight on the television.

"Uhmm... Welcome home honey" I hastly said, turning his head to me and kissed him deeply.

He pulled away. " Baby why are you watching documentary again? It's only going to let you panic" Diego fussed, taking the remote and switch the television off.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help it" I said softly.

He sat beside me and wrapped his hands around me. This man showed me so much care in this world that I love him more everyday. He kissed my temple and placed his hands on my stomach, immediately our little prince start moving.

"Oh my god!" I winced with laughter after.

"Hey little man" Diego smiled as he kissed my tummy.

"He knows when you are around" I told him, rubbing his hair. His face was on my stomach and the baby wouldn't stop moving.

"You're going to deliver our baby just fine sweetheart so no more documentary on childs birth" he warned before kissing my cheeks.

In my deep sleep, I felt this uncomfortable feeling that I ignored but that uncomfortable feeling developed into pain that woke me from my sleep. I was having contraction and it was getting intense.

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