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The hardest thing in life is to leave the person you love or if the person you love leaves you, it is very painful and that's how I am feeling right now as I drive away from Diego. My heart feel like it has been ripped from my chest but I have to do this, I can't be caught up in a love triangle and even worst I am pregnant I can't deal with such stress. Thank god I made it to my parent's house without getting into any accident because my eyes been blurry with tears driving here. The last time I cried this much was when I lost my mother; when she left me and a piece of me felt like it was missing well this is the same feeling except that I will see Diego again but I am not sure if things will get back to just him and me or with him and Taylor.

The securities open the gate and I drove up in the driveway, I stopped the car and tried hiding my baggy eyes with some make up but it will still be obvious that I was crying because they are swell and red. I got out of the car and walked up to the main door then punched the door bell, seconds later Margret open up the door and let me in.

"Welcome Clarissa" She greeted me with a welcoming smile.

"Hi Margret it's nice seeing you again" I tried to keep voice from sounding broken.

"Clairey!" Clinton called out and ran to hugged me.

"Hey little brother" I hugged him because of how much I missed him and we hardly spend time together in a while now.

"I am glad you are here, I missed you a lot, the house is quiet without you here" Clinton spoke tugging on my fingers.

"Well you will be having me around for some times now" I told him and he smile.

"What was that?" Mom voice asked as she approached us with dad behind her.

immediately tears fell from my eyes and I tried so hard to keep them but they wouldn't stay in. Mom quickly reached over to me and hugged me tightly while rubbing my hair comforting me. Dad told Clinton to go to his room and then we entered the lounge room where mom puts me to sit and she sat right beside me and Dad sat infront of us on the single sofa. Dad have this melancholy look on his face and that is because he know something is wrong and he never like to see me cry.

When mom die, I cried night and day and it was hard for him to see me like that, it broke him whenever I cried so I always tried not to cry in his sight but I couldn't stop myself right now. If someone has told me months ago that I would be crying over Diego, I would laugh in their face and told them they are crazy. A man that I despised so much for years is the man I am married to, the father of my child and the man I am deeply in love with.

"Princess what's wrong?" Dad asked softly.

"Stop crying Clairey and tell us what is wrong" Mom said rubbing my shoulder softly.

"Dad please don't be mad at me" I begged him, softly crying.

"Just tell me what is it Princess" he asked impatiently.

I tried hard stuffing my tears in and told them all the details of what's been going on with Diego and I. By the time I finished talking my face was soaked with tears and I felt my body trembling. I needed rest and a peace of mind and the only way to get that was to take a nap. Mom comforted me while I tried to get to sleep, I thought about having that beautiful family with Diego and soon after I fell asleep.


Morning sickness has been my early task of the morning, I was getting really annoyed of going to the bathroom and puking my tripe out. My parent has been so great to me, they made sure I was comfortable and eating healthy. Diego texted me to make sure I am ok, I missed my husband so much, it has been two weeks and I haven't laid my eyes on him. I told him I didn't want to see him when deep down I really want to but I am scared. As soon as I took my morning bath, I dried myself properly and started applying lotion to my skin. I put on a black leggings with a pink T-shirt and slide my feet in a pair of black slippers. It's Saturday so I have no work and no plans for the day, my room door swung open and in came Clinton with his toy truck in hand.

"Clinton I told you to knock whenever you are entering someone's room" I slightly scolded him.

" I am sorry Clairey, I was just excited to come tell you that your friends are here to see you" He pouted, fingering his truck.

"Where are they?" I asked him. I have no idea that Xo and Indra was coming over well I guess my day won't be as boring as I thought.

"Downstairs waiting for you"

"Lets go" I wrapped my hands around his shoulder and exit the room together.

I didn't make it off the last step before I was engulfed in both Xo and Indra arms simultaneously. My inside warms a bit having their company, I wasn't even thinking that I could call them over because I was so hang up on thinking about Diego and Taylor.

"I didn't know you guys were coming over" I said amusingly.

"Well we missed you so much and decide to take you out" Xiomara said once they released me.

"Guys I don't w---

"Nope! we are not having that. Go change, we are going out" Indra ordered and the last time I checked, I was her boss. I smiled inwardly.

"You do need to get out Clarissa. Go enjoy yourself with your friends" Mom said and I smiled.

"Ok I will just go and change" I smiled before making my way back to my room.


"Sebastian is such a gently man, he treated me like the queen of England can you believe that he does everything for me, he open the car door, he pulled my chair out, he wrapped his jacket around me and he even slice my food for me. Where have this man being all of my life?" Xo Chanted amusingly about Sebastian.

I am happy for her, I wish I was happy with Diego like she is. Nope! no thinking about Diego, you are out to have fun with your friends and a no thinking of Diego day. My subconscious spoke to me. It was hard not to think about him when my heart is screaming his name every second of the day.

"Clairey!" Indra called snapping me from my trance.

"Clarissa you will not have a great time if you are there thinking about Diego. I get it, he is your husband but you have to make sure you are ok and the baby. Try to take your mind of him until he sort things out with the ex" Xo said.

"You are so right Xo and I am sorry guys" I said before switching my phone off.

The day was spent by doing shopping, going to the hair salon and spa. This was what I really needed a girls day out and to relax my mind. Our last stop was Russell's, my favorite five star restaurant with the lavish meals I adores so much. My stomach was already rumbling before I reach the main door, good thing I am Mrs. Statham so I didn't have to make reservation for a table. We were assisted immediately and shown to our table.

"I need to visit the lady's room" I told Xo and Indra while getting from my chair.

"Clairey, you should order first" Indra gave out while having an weird look on her face.

"But I need to pee" I told her eyeing her.

"Clairey, can't you just hold it and lets go to another restaurant, I hate the food here" Xo then said hastily and she also have a weird expression.

"Guys what's going on? A few minutes ago, you loved this place Xo and Indra you know I am pregnant so I pee a lot" I scolded them both.

They looked at each other then behind me, I was confused about their reaction until I looked behind me. My heart sunk deep into my body and I literally felt pee dripped into my underwear. I was froze in the same position for minutes just looking at him. He was with her, I know this must be some kind of nightmare because this can't be real. He can't say that he love me and being out with her, his Ex that he said he have no love for anymore. Our eyes finally met and I blinked, tear cascaded down my cheeks and I grabbed my purse and ran out of the building ignoring my name calling.


My sincerely apology for taking so long to update guys. I am so busy and hardly finding time for myself. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter until then.


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